Posted in World News

The USA Joins The Brexit Hokey Pokey

The USA and the UK have always had a special relationship, and in recent years it’s been gratifying to see that relationship reach new highs. When the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, the US couldn’t sit idly…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The USA Joins The Brexit Hokey Pokey
Posted in World News

BOJO OR BUST! The Answers Are Here…

WELL, HOW DID YOU ENJOY OUR EDGY BORIS JOHNSON QUIZ??? #1: LOVE AND HATE But don’t let me ever hear you say hate is your enemy… Love has practically caused me to get you destroyed. If I had hated a…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! BOJO OR BUST! The Answers Are Here…
Sleepy Joe Biden
Posted in Politics

TONE-DEAF BIDEN! New ‘Pro-Woman’ Talking Point Enrages Feminists & GOP Alike!

Serial groper/political failure and two-dime Bill Clinton wannabe Joe Biden, flailing to deal with allegations of sleazy sexual behavior and a past history of middle ground views on abortion, has now come up with a typically genius way of… Not…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! TONE-DEAF BIDEN! New ‘Pro-Woman’ Talking Point Enrages Feminists & GOP Alike!
Posted in Politics

Robert Mueller: The Knight-Errant who Tripped over his Lance

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.—Robert Mueller stunned the quarter of Americans who are intent on keeping their country from sliding down the tubes, by turning in a lackluster performance in his televised hearings before Congress.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Robert Mueller: The Knight-Errant who Tripped over his Lance
Posted in Crime World News

WELL, DUH! BBC Poll: 100% of UK Citizens Consider VIP Paedo Rings a Myth…

In the UK, former paediatric nurse Carl Beech has been accused of falsely concocting claims of VIP paedophile rings. This raises some troubling questions (and unwelcome memories) for a lot of people in the UK and worldwide; especially in light…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! WELL, DUH! BBC Poll: 100% of UK Citizens Consider VIP Paedo Rings a Myth…
Posted in Politics

Are These Poems Strange? People Have Named Them ‘Haikus.’ What? Oh, Gesundheit!

Are these poems strange? People have named them Haiku’s. What? Oh, Gesundheit! Obama make peace, Progress with Cuba, Iran. Now will Hulk Trump smash. Immigrants sneak in, quickly come over border. Texas sink from weight. Heat wave hit cities, But…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Are These Poems Strange? People Have Named Them ‘Haikus.’ What? Oh, Gesundheit!
Hate speech
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Politics

Voters to Presidential Candidates: “Get Back to Work… You’re a Year Early!”

Everywhere, USA- Fresh of the heels of the first round of debates among Democratic Presidential hopefuls, and the “official” launch of President Donald Trumps re-election campaign, it appears the 2020 Presidential Campaign is in full swing. On the Democratic side,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Voters to Presidential Candidates: “Get Back to Work… You’re a Year Early!”
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Senate Republicans Blame Dems for Failed Budget Negotiations with White House

Washington, DC- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) lashed out at Senate Democrats today, after his fellow Republicans failed to reach an agreement on a long term military funding bill with White House negotiators, resulting in a reported physical altercation…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Senate Republicans Blame Dems for Failed Budget Negotiations with White House
Posted in General Interest

Democratic Candidate Promotes Gambling During TV debate

Hundreds of thousands of people watching the democratic debate last week were shocked when a candidate proposed to ease gambling restrictions, decrease the age limit, and teach fellow countrymen how to live off casino. The democratic debate is a debate…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Democratic Candidate Promotes Gambling During TV debate
Posted in Politics

Hot Off The Press… Oops, Census Citizenship Question Remains!

Washington, DC- Fresh off a Supreme Court ruling which temporarily banned a citizenship question from appearing on the 2020 Census, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross confirmed to members of the media on Tuesday that the government printing presses had…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hot Off The Press… Oops, Census Citizenship Question Remains!