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If Judge Amy Coney Barrett had been as Forthright as Judge Judy during Rubber-Stamped Hearing Q & A:

At the Senate hearing rubber stamping the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, wouldn’t it have been wonderful if Judge Barrett, like Judge Judy, answered questions with no filters? So, here the unfiltered exchange we would have loved to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! If Judge Amy Coney Barrett had been as Forthright as Judge Judy during Rubber-Stamped Hearing Q & A:
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Who are the Proud Boys anyway? What’s with the smart pink satin dressing gowns they flaunt around the East Side glory holes linked to Melania the Pole? No, don’t say you don’t give a fuck! You do give a FLYING…

Posted in Entertainment Politics Top Stories

Supreme Court Judge

10am, Albuquerque: In a move likely to lead to mass shootings within the US Postal service, a record 743 million Americans have already mailed in their ballots ahead of the November presidential election. “743 million is an odd number, so it’s obviously all…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Supreme Court Judge
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Will the result of the presidential election bring greater stability to the US?

It’s been a bit of a topsy-turvy time for US politics in recent months. Even before the coronavirus pandemic sent shockwaves around the world and created hysteria in politics, the US were dealing with the bitter impeachment charges which had…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Will the result of the presidential election bring greater stability to the US?
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Politics Top Stories


Donald Trump insists he has done more for African Americans than any other president.  Read his tweet on the subject: “Many people don’t know this about me. Lincoln didn’t free the slaves. I DID. First thing I did behind the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! THE GREAT EMANSTURBATOR
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Politics

Delaware Senator Chris Coons CANCELLED over Racist Surname

SUSSEX COUNTY, DELAWARE– The junior senator from Delaware, Chris Coons, held a press conference to formally announce reconciliation with the new wave of racial justice protests surrounding his last name. Profusely apologizing to white people on social media, Sen. Coons…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Delaware Senator Chris Coons CANCELLED over Racist Surname
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Pentagon Plans War with China to Make Coronavirus Death Toll Not Seem as Bad

ARLINGTON, VA – Classified documents leaked over the weekend show that the Department of Defense has been planning airstrikes and subsequent troop deployments in China in an effort to minimize the perceived harm caused by the coronavirus. The documents, entitled…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Pentagon Plans War with China to Make Coronavirus Death Toll Not Seem as Bad
Posted in Politics

Rock the Vote:

Mission Statement of “Rock the Vote to Make America Great Again” (RVMAGA): Our pending non-profit, housed in a converted RV, exists to counter voter fraud and far-left election manipulation, purging the rolls of those who shouldn’t be registered to vote….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Rock the Vote:
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Make America Gag Again

Atlanta (AP) Just when the Trump Administration thought things could not get any worse, the Center for Disease Control released a report on the dramatic increase of Non-Covid19, related Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS20), that has ravaged sixty-five percent of the country…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Make America Gag Again
Posted in Entertainment Religionism Top Stories


NOTE TO READER: Recently, I had the following email exchange from a troubled minister of the Lord. He begged me not to reveal his identity. I solemnly vowed to honor his anonymity.  His name is Reverend Jimmy Buttski from Swineberg,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! PASTORS ARE PEOPLE, TOO