Posted in Politics

CIA Digs up Dirt on President Trump, Forms New Planet

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.–In response to President-elect Donald Trump’s denigrating the American intelligence community, the CIA dug up a planet of dirt on Trump, altering the Earth’s gravitational field. The American intelligence community was united in its assessment that Russia hacked…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! CIA Digs up Dirt on President Trump, Forms New Planet
Posted in Politics

President Trump Confined to White House, Refusing to Take Revolving Door

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.–After much legal wrangling, President-elect Donald Trump and his children, Ivanka, Eric and Donald Jr. divested themselves of their holdings in the Trump Organization and in Trump’s dozens of other companies so that they could carry out their…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! President Trump Confined to White House, Refusing to Take Revolving Door
Posted in Politics World News

Germany Prepares to Prosecute Millions for Insulting Donald Trump in 2017

BERLIN – Germany’s law against insulting the leaders of foreign governments will be put to the ultimate test when billionaire Twitter personality Donald Trump is sworn in as President of the United States in January 2017. Insulting President-Elect Donald Trump…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Germany Prepares to Prosecute Millions for Insulting Donald Trump in 2017
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Trump Shakes Things Up with Bold Cabinet Appointments

Donald Trump has wasted no time putting his signature on his new administration. In what some critics are calling a scarily bad case of Opposite Day, President-Elect Trump so far has chosen an Education Secretary who has never held any…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Shakes Things Up with Bold Cabinet Appointments
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Who Needs Real News When Fake News Is Way More Fun (It never stopped Fox News or Donald Trump)

Fake News Fer Sale! Git Yer Fake News Right Here! Suddenly fake news stories are the In Thing and do we have ’em here for you! Get in on the latest fad and power trip going- fake news stories! Amaze…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Who Needs Real News When Fake News Is Way More Fun (It never stopped Fox News or Donald Trump)
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Five Ways a Trump Presidency is Like Gilligan’s Island

Let me just say Richard Condon was wrong. The Manchurian Candidate is from Moscow and he ain’t brainwashed. Nothing about the recent election would make for a decently plausible political thriller or even proper parody. I know truth is stranger…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Five Ways a Trump Presidency is Like Gilligan’s Island
Posted in Top Stories

A Message For Trump’s Minions Worded In The Vernacular You Understand Best

In a bow to our supposed new President I submit this missive attempting to recreate the style of communicating that he does best in order to express myself properly to those who elected him. This letter, this message, this fatal…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Message For Trump’s Minions Worded In The Vernacular You Understand Best
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Entertainment Music Politics Strange People

Trump Taps Kanye West as Next Press Secretary

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Taps Kanye West as Next Press Secretary
Posted in World News

Trump Agrees to Return Alaska to Russia

In a clever, sage move by president elect Donald Trump, Alaska will be returned to Russia on January 21st, 2017. “We stole these lands and they have to go back to their rightful owners.” The United States purchased Alask from…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Agrees to Return Alaska to Russia
Posted in Politics

Will The Real Donald Trump Please Stand Up?

In early November 2016, Scotland’s first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, expressed more clearly than many other world leaders the hope that Donald Trump, when in office, would be very different from the Donald Trump she had witnessed on the presidential campaign…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Will The Real Donald Trump Please Stand Up?