Posted in World News

With Friends Like These? World Dictators Rally Around to Oppose Trump Impeachment

MSNBC, otherwise knows as Fox News for liberals, have come up with a list of inflammatory, controversial and downright flamboyantly evil leaders who have rallied around Donald Trump. Trump’s anti fake news fan-club have dealt a string of stinging ripostes…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! With Friends Like These? World Dictators Rally Around to Oppose Trump Impeachment
Posted in Politics Strange People

Trump Visited By Ghosts Of Anti-Communists Past

He was about to slumber, alone in the White House on this winter’s Christmas Eve. Melania and the boys were in Mar-A-Lago. Congress and a quarter of the Federal workforce was shut down. The few advisers that he still listened…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Visited By Ghosts Of Anti-Communists Past
Posted in Top Stories

Pelosi Agrees to Trump’s Wall… On One Condition!

The Lego Solution By Saturday, the day the U.S. government came to a grinding halt, Washington, D.C. long-timer and incoming Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi had “had enough of the wall already.” We all know how Pelosi feels about…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Pelosi Agrees to Trump’s Wall… On One Condition!
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Trump’s Government Shutdown: EXCLUSIVE Glossy News Expose of Previously Unknown Discussions!

Washington, DC- Previously censored footage has thrown some light on the recent shutdown decision, and on the deliberations made beforehand.  First, the White House announced that President Donald Trump was unhappy about the latest Continued Resolution (CR), passed by Congress…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump’s Government Shutdown: EXCLUSIVE Glossy News Expose of Previously Unknown Discussions!
Posted in Comics

More Funny Trump Cartoons!

Aaaaaaand it’s time for some more exciting cartoons from Up Chuck! Trump’s Own Authorities Everyone has the right to their own opinion, right? That’s what the First Amendment is about, after all! The Art of the Deal

WTF?! Click now to find out more! More Funny Trump Cartoons!
Posted in Politics World News

Trump Declares USMCA Funds Border Wall… Trudeau Disagrees

Buenos Aires, Argentina- On Friday, leaders from the United States, Mexico, and Canada formally endorsed the United States- Mexico- Canada Agreement (USMCA) before a packed house at the G-20 Summit. On Monday, US President Donald Trump declared political victory via…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Declares USMCA Funds Border Wall… Trudeau Disagrees
Tory Brexit
Posted in Top Stories

Deluded May Goes Full Donald Trump on ‘Tremendous Brexit Deal!’

Confused controversialist and widely despised half-arsed “Brexit bod” (officially!) Theresa May has recently unleashed an utterly deluded rant about her ridiculous ‘deal’ with the EU… A simply spiffing world-ending negotiating triumph that is universally panned by Leave and Remain, Tories…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Deluded May Goes Full Donald Trump on ‘Tremendous Brexit Deal!’
Posted in Politics

Trump Being A President Is As Battery Acid Is To Being A Skin Conditioner.

Here, I’ll help you out with the first few. Read ‘Trump is to being President as…’ and then finish the sentence with any of the phrases that are listed below. Don’t worry, it’s easy! Trump is to being President as:…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Being A President Is As Battery Acid Is To Being A Skin Conditioner.
Posted in Talky Pictures

The Trump Legacy- An Endless Source Of Meme Material

NOTE FROM WALLACE: Veteran Glossy News writer rfreed with some funny new memes! Please send our memes, cartoons, parodies, pastiches and other funny stuff to Do like our page as well!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Trump Legacy- An Endless Source Of Meme Material
Posted in Politics

Trump Administration Unveils ‘Brand New’ Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Washington, DC- In what will surely go down as one of the most bizarre press conferences in recent memory; White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced both her plans to step down as the official mouth piece of the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Administration Unveils ‘Brand New’ Sarah Huckabee Sanders