Author: Brian White
Olympic Opening Ceremony Rife w/ Offensive British Stereotypes
The home fans seemed pretty upset by the float car with giant, bad teeth, belching green fog indicating bad breath. The Bobby mascots endlessly chasing cartoonish burglars because they have no guns really touched a sore point too. Worst of… Author Ranking System Has Arrived
After years of searching for just the right script to do just the right job, we finally have a way to reward our top authors with the recognition they so richly deserve. I mean, it’s not fair compensation, but we…
Hey Harley Guy, Yeah Loud, You’re a Dick
I didn’t want to say anything at the stop light because I was afraid you’d kill me, and I know that’s part of your mystique, but seriously guy, with those loud pipes and all, you’re a total dick. Period. My…
13 More Reasons I’m Glad FlashForward was Cancelled
I’ve been given ample amounts of grief for my review and assessment that FlashForward being cancelled was a good thing, and so I’ve gone to the library to get the full DVD goodness… having watched it again, I’m still as…
The Nine Things Mitt Romney is Hiding in His Tax Returns
Anne Romney took to the talk shows to defend her husbands historically unprecedented decision not to release his tax returns. “You know, you should really look at where Mitt has led his life, and where he’s been financially,” she said…
What Does it Mean When an Escort Has a Mitt Romney Special?
A Nevada prostitute has allegedly offered a “Romney Special”, but she hasn’t specified what this might include. We here at Glossy News take politics as seriously as we take prostitution, so we went undercover at several different cathouses to find…
9 Reasons Why Reagan is the Best Liberal President Ever
We hear a lot from the conservative right praising Reagan as if he was the very baby Jesus they so desperately wish to meet again. But the truth is that Reagan, by today’s standards at least, was a flaming liberal….
Liquor at Supermarkets – Here Comes the Hangover
This morning at the crack of midnight Washington State supermarkets like Metropolitan Market in downtown Seattle began selling hard liquor. It took years of struggle, three state-level initiatives and more than $22 million from Costco, but is it worth it?…
George Tierney Exclusive Interview… yes, George Tierney from Greenville, SC
It was just yesterday when I saw the latest accidental celebrity create himself on the interwebs. It seems one George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, SC decided it was okay to get in a pissing match with tbogg from FireDogLake.…
Dang It, Google Drive, Be Rational
Google Drive is the latest entry in the cloud backup and storage game. They offer mad amounts of storage at unbelievably reasonable prices, but they still fairly suck as bad as any of their competitors, and we just have to…