Posted in Politics

LEAK: Paul Ryan Already Signed to Do Playgirl – Before the dust can even settle in the 2012 presidential election, TMZ has received word that vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan has inked a 7-figure deal to shoot a full spread in Playgirl Magazine. Robert Benson, an official…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! LEAK: Paul Ryan Already Signed to Do Playgirl
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Politics

Reason 17 I’m Voting Romney: I Like His Hair – [Note from the Staff of Glossy News: We proofread the author Tim Jones’ rant below about why he’s switching his vote from Obama to Romney. We uncovered a few minor errors in his analysis and felt compelled to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Reason 17 I’m Voting Romney: I Like His Hair
Posted in Politics

Election Day 2012: Obama Starts Cleaning Out the Oval Office – The White House With exit polls sliding against them faster than butter on a hot skillet, the current occupants of the White House are starting to realize that a moving date will be a reality in January, 2013….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Election Day 2012: Obama Starts Cleaning Out the Oval Office
Posted in Politics

Breaking News: Romney Shows Human Emotion – In a rare break from election cycle protocol, Governor Mitt Romney was permitted to stand before a crowd of reporters, in what they all agreed was the very moment they had been waiting for in the 16-months they’ve…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Breaking News: Romney Shows Human Emotion
Posted in Politics

Republicans Demand NASCAR Observers at Polling Places – TALLADEGA – Republicans in The Deep South are demanding that NASCAR officials be sent to all polling places to ensure a fair election. Talladega Republican Party Chairman Larry “big cheese” Nelson said, “We can’t risk our people not…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Republicans Demand NASCAR Observers at Polling Places
Posted in Politics Television

Romney Camp Launches Last Minute “Why Vote?” Ad Blitz – Television ads have been running furiously in swing states like Iowa, Ohio, Florida, New Hampshire, Old Hampshire and Colorado, but one new ad hit the airwaves last night. The GOP sponsored “Why Vote?” campaign, paid for by Romney…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Romney Camp Launches Last Minute “Why Vote?” Ad Blitz
Posted in Politics

Romney Promises to Stop Gorbachev from Building Catapult – BOSTON – In a last ditch effort to win over undecided voters, Mitt Romney today promised to stop a former leader of a defunct country from building an archaic weapon capable of hitting a non-existent state. At his…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Romney Promises to Stop Gorbachev from Building Catapult
Posted in Politics

Romney Goes Economy, Obama Fires Gun in Final Election Pitch – YOUNGSTOWN, OH and NASHUA, NH – Both United States Presidential Candidates made one last pitch to the American people before Election Day though in pretty shocking and pretty shockingly different ways. Winding down a vicious election cycle, Former…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Romney Goes Economy, Obama Fires Gun in Final Election Pitch
Posted in Politics

Romney/Ryan Official Victory Anthem Leaked: It’s Crickets – I recently had the opportunity to sit down with the Head of the International Cricket Council, Sir Edward Crowley, to speak about why the ICC had chosen Governor Mitt Romney as its new official mascot, and why he…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Romney/Ryan Official Victory Anthem Leaked: It’s Crickets
Posted in Internets Tubes Politics

Election Day 2012, Wall-to-Wall Coverage… Seriously – Welcome to GlossyNews’ election day coverage. We’re running about three stories per hour, though more during the peak of the evening, so keep it here and we’ll feed you, baby bird. ALL ELECTION DAY 2012 HEADLINES You want…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Election Day 2012, Wall-to-Wall Coverage… Seriously