Posted in Religionism World News

Special, New Holiday Made For President Trump Because He Is Special And New!

Our feckless leader, Prosidentia Trump, is upset because he wants to stand above the other former Presidents of the United States who he feels are lesser than he is. He does not want to have to share the holiday ‘President’s…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Special, New Holiday Made For President Trump Because He Is Special And New!
Maoism Marxism
Posted in Music World News

Roll Over Chairman! Corona Virus Parody #2!

Yesterday’s Shitty Xi Parody, oh sorry, SHIFTY XI parody, went down like a bomb! … Er sorry, like a tinder-dry Tenga egg! Ah well, never mind! Here’s something a bit more juicy, salty, and… Some would say TOXIC. šŸŽ¶ Should’ve worn…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Roll Over Chairman! Corona Virus Parody #2!
Posted in Education World News

OFFENSIVE POEM Only True Yorkshire Fawk Will WELL Understand! šŸ˜‰

SPOILER: Just intercollegiate bantz from a rival graduate, dunt take it raet serious like!Ā šŸ˜‰ There once was some guys from Leeds BeckettOo ‘as want t be raet smart then sez ‘Feck it!’‘Em got raet cheap student beerAn’ made MEEEEEEMES all…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! OFFENSIVE POEM Only True Yorkshire Fawk Will WELL Understand! šŸ˜‰
donald trump
Posted in Politics World News

Trump Rushed to Walter Reed for Hand Trauma

rump had suffered multiple paper cuts from his rage induced efforts to tear up old Nancy Pelosi speeches that he demanded his staff find for him after his State of the Union delivery.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Rushed to Walter Reed for Hand Trauma
Posted in Travel World News

A Satire on a Free Bus Ride in Karachi

A Satire on a Bus Ride in Karachi A BUS RIDE: My funny experience! By Rafiq Ebrahim. Twitter handle #faisfaiz (Replace # with @). Just to get a taste of the good old days, I got an urge to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Satire on a Free Bus Ride in Karachi
Posted in Politics World News

Billy Bragg & Boris: Latest Song Parody Unites the Right & Left!

I may be an Eton toff peddling lard and vaseline But now Iā€™m full of vanilla sherbet and the only way I see Is to make sure I make a killing of all who oppose my party line And ban…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Billy Bragg & Boris: Latest Song Parody Unites the Right & Left!
Fox News
Posted in Politics World News

Lou Dobbs Drugged and Kidnapped

New York (Fox News). One day after delivering the most absurd, sycophantic, car crash adulation of President Trump (Moran, 2020), Fox Business host Lou Dobbs was found in Central Park bound and naked.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Lou Dobbs Drugged and Kidnapped
Posted in Politics World News

Karmatic Alternatives To Impeachment For You-Know-Who

Here are some possibilities for our Complainer in Chief to pay off his karma debt for throwing the Ukraine to the Russian wolves in not letting them have the military aid that was promised them when they needed it:

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Karmatic Alternatives To Impeachment For You-Know-Who
Posted in Politics World News

Thoughts For The New Year

Since when has it been OK to put chocolate in breakfast cereal? If both cars and cows are contributing to global warming, why don’t we just cut the problem in half and ride cows to work?

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Thoughts For The New Year
Posted in Politics World News

Highly-Strung Cokehead Who Says “F**K Business!” Worried Nobody Wants to Invest in His Country!

Hysterical overfed chufterstain and perpetually confused London superluvvie Boris Hugh Coogan Lily Lineker De Pfeffel Johnson has recently lamented the lack of business investment that is seriously hindering his coke-ridden Brexit Boom he promised and/or threatened us with a few…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Highly-Strung Cokehead Who Says “F**K Business!” Worried Nobody Wants to Invest in His Country!