Posted in Politics World News

Cruz & Khameini Gush: ‘End Big Privacy, Before You Get What’s Comin’ To Ya’

Ted Cruz has recently given stuck it to the man over our trembling, weak-kneed bending over for the nefarious forces of Big Privacy. His Most Exalted More True-Believe-ier Than Trumpness flashily remarks: The war on surveillance is motivated purely by…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Cruz & Khameini Gush: ‘End Big Privacy, Before You Get What’s Comin’ To Ya’
Posted in Podcasts Video News

4K Glossy News Podcast 038 (4-11-16) – Tax Day Edition

The 4K/UHD podcast is back again this week with even more great insightful than ever. All of this is available in UHD on YouTube by searching “Glossy Podcast” or as an MP3 on iTunes by searching “Glossy News”. Here are…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 4K Glossy News Podcast 038 (4-11-16) – Tax Day Edition
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Dear American Refugees, Welcome to Canada

Greetings, American Refugees, On behalf of the people of Canada, we would like to welcome you to our country. We hope you’ll enjoy your stay. We’re starting to worry about your nation’s apparent complete psychological breakdown. You were doing so…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Dear American Refugees, Welcome to Canada
Posted in Politics

2016 Presidential Bumper Stickers For The Rest Of Us.

PLEASE – JUST HOLD THE ELECTION NOW AND GET IT OVER WITH! I CAN’T TAKE IT ANY MORE! – Did anyone else notice that we ultimately are allowed only two choices? – I turned on the TV and thought it…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 2016 Presidential Bumper Stickers For The Rest Of Us.
Posted in Human Interest

Thoughts That Need To Be Thunk About For 2016

Thoughts That Need To Be Thunk About For 2016 If Donald Trump wins the Presidential election he will consider all of us to be ‘losers’. If the Occupiers of the wildlife refuge took over the land there, wouldn’t they probably…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Thoughts That Need To Be Thunk About For 2016
Posted in Podcasts Video News

4K Glossy News Podcast 032 (2-29-16)

Despite having my office burglarized and almost all of my production gear stolen, the podcast is back with even more original than ever before. All of this is available in UHD on YouTube by searching “Glossy Podcast” or as an…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 4K Glossy News Podcast 032 (2-29-16)
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Music

Weirder Than A Stephen King Novel – A Rock Band With King and Dave Barry In It. Let Me Introduce You To The Rock Bottom Remainders

Unannounced to most of us, one of the most incredible rock and roll groups has passed before us and we didn’t even notice it. Maybe most of us were too stoned to catch it. This group was named The Rock…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Weirder Than A Stephen King Novel – A Rock Band With King and Dave Barry In It. Let Me Introduce You To The Rock Bottom Remainders
Posted in Politics

Republicans Vanish in Puffs of Smoke When called Evil

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats are rejoicing after the Republican population has shrunk by nearly two thirds because its opponents have discovered a technique for making the conservatives literally disappear. Hugh Bloomfeld, the technique’s originator, recalls his Eureka moment. “My right-wing sister…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Republicans Vanish in Puffs of Smoke When called Evil
Posted in Politics Serious Commentary

9/12/2001 The Days After the Unthinkable Happened A Visit To Kazakhstan Part 16

9/12/2001 THE DAYS AFTER THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENED A Visit To Kazakhstan Part 16 (A serial book excerpt) Previous installments – After Flight 93 crashes into the White House on 9/11/2001 killing President Bush as was originally planned, Dick Cheney, the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 9/12/2001 The Days After the Unthinkable Happened A Visit To Kazakhstan Part 16
Posted in Biz News Health

Have You Heard About Dyzastra?

Have you been feeling sluggish lately? Why not try Dyzastra? (“Di-ZAH-Struh”) Do you have a spare tire around your middle that you’d like to get rid of? How about trying Dyzastra? Stomach pain, the common cold and restless leg syndrome…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Have You Heard About Dyzastra?