Posted in Serious Commentary

Healing the Front Line: the Strong Side of Criticism!

You know, the things that matter are the things that really, really don’t matter! … Confused yet?! Well, let me put it another way. Whether you’re involved in satire, critical scholarship, the media, blogging, activism, or anything else that deals…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Healing the Front Line: the Strong Side of Criticism!
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Russian Collusion 2.0

President Trump just cannot help himself. Every time he gets into trouble, he turns to Putin. How many times can a President look to a foreign adversary to help with an election. 1 + 1 = 2 everytime.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Russian Collusion 2.0
Posted in Serious Commentary

Big Non-Fiction Projects: Things You Need to Think About Before Starting SENSITIVE TOPICS!

Writing satire stories is a great skill that isn’t universally held by everyone… but what about those of you who are even more ambitious, and want to write some big non-fiction stuff, and maybe even about socially, politically, historically, or…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Big Non-Fiction Projects: Things You Need to Think About Before Starting SENSITIVE TOPICS!
Islamic Republic
Posted in Serious Commentary

“You Started It!” – The Real Roots Of The Iranian Conflict.

Many protesters carried signs stating “You Started It!” This was the Iranian answer to Trump’s assassination of Soleimani, the Iranian General that has caused such an uproar in that country and brought missiles roaming down upon our bases.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “You Started It!” – The Real Roots Of The Iranian Conflict.
Fox News
Posted in Politics World News

Lou Dobbs Drugged and Kidnapped

New York (Fox News). One day after delivering the most absurd, sycophantic, car crash adulation of President Trump (Moran, 2020), Fox Business host Lou Dobbs was found in Central Park bound and naked.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Lou Dobbs Drugged and Kidnapped
Second Coming of God
Posted in Politics Religionism

AS PROMISED! Jesus Has a Special Reunion Message for Republicans

Hi there it’s Jesus, and I have a special reunion message! The good news is, thanks to the Supreme Court, abortion in America is gonna end!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! AS PROMISED! Jesus Has a Special Reunion Message for Republicans
Posted in Politics World News

Karmatic Alternatives To Impeachment For You-Know-Who

Here are some possibilities for our Complainer in Chief to pay off his karma debt for throwing the Ukraine to the Russian wolves in not letting them have the military aid that was promised them when they needed it:

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Karmatic Alternatives To Impeachment For You-Know-Who
Attorney General
Posted in Politics

OUTRAGE! WEIRDO Bill Barr Claims ‘America No Longer Part of Free World!’

Attorney General William Barr, after a recent fiery speech about the traditional natural law tradition vs recent human rights perspectives, has further shocked his detractors by committing the supreme blasphemy: denying America is the greatest country of the Free World,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! OUTRAGE! WEIRDO Bill Barr Claims ‘America No Longer Part of Free World!’
Posted in Politics World News

Thoughts For The New Year

Since when has it been OK to put chocolate in breakfast cereal? If both cars and cows are contributing to global warming, why don’t we just cut the problem in half and ride cows to work?

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Thoughts For The New Year
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Articles of the Year: Which Satire Stories Got the Most Clicks????


WTF?! Click now to find out more! Articles of the Year: Which Satire Stories Got the Most Clicks????