Posted in World News

Trump’s Very First Speech as President: Exclusive to Glossy News

Ha! Ha! Ha! Would you just LOOOOOOOOOK at…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump’s Very First Speech as President: Exclusive to Glossy News
Posted in Politics

Frantic, Last Ditch Effort To Throw The Election- Hacked Trump Emails Exposed

On the eve of the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections the notorious expose website Wakileaks has released thousands of hacked emails from Donald Trump’s private server. The exact source of the email leak has not been officially ascertained, but it is…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Frantic, Last Ditch Effort To Throw The Election- Hacked Trump Emails Exposed
Posted in Serious Commentary War Zone

Is a Libertarian Vote for Trump Unconscionable?

The US Presidential Election is upon us. Faced with a binary choice, a Libertarian would rightly consider voting for Mr Trump over Secretary Clinton. Ask yourself which of the two “candidates” has a proven track record of choosing war? Was…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Is a Libertarian Vote for Trump Unconscionable?
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Trump is Right – Proof that the Election is Rigged

Donald Trump has alleged the 2016 presidential election has been rigged against him and that the only possible way he can lose will be because of fraud and collusion. As a noted investigative reporter, I felt it was my journalistic…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump is Right – Proof that the Election is Rigged
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Politics Strange People Top Stories

Breaking News: Woman Claims Trump Didn’t Grope Her

A woman from Broken Springs, Michigan has come forward to insist that Donald Trump has not groped her, despite many opportunities to do so. Allison McGregor, a 47-year-old housekeeper who used to work at Trump’s Mar-o Lago hotel/resort in Florida,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Breaking News: Woman Claims Trump Didn’t Grope Her
Posted in Politics

Trump: Hillary Drooled Through Debate

On Wednesday Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump proposed this new conspiracy theory about his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton: that she drooled all the way through Monday’s debate. “Didn’t notice at 1st,” he tweeted, “Crooked Hillary drooled all over herself @…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump: Hillary Drooled Through Debate
Donald Trump
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Trump-Corbyn Syndrome Defined As New Mental Disorder

New editions of two major mental disorder classification manuals are to list Trump–Corbyn Syndrome (TCS) as a mental disorder. The naming of the condition was inspired by the behaviour of Donald Trump’s supporters in the US and Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump-Corbyn Syndrome Defined As New Mental Disorder
Posted in Politics

Casino King Donald Trump Would Ban Online Casinos as President for ‘Not Being Classy Enough’

Millionaire Donald J. Trump may have come from humble beginnings as the son of a wealthy real estate tycoon, but he made his name as a brash and powerful casino magnate. But if there’s one thing he can’t abide, especially…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Casino King Donald Trump Would Ban Online Casinos as President for ‘Not Being Classy Enough’
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Official Letters Confirm Trump is Ready to Become the Most Amazing President Ever

The Trump Campaign just announced it will be releasing scores of official letters from experts attesting to the fact Donald Trump is fully prepared to be the most incredibly qualified person to run for the American presidency in over 500…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Official Letters Confirm Trump is Ready to Become the Most Amazing President Ever
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Breaking News: Obama Caused World War II, According to Trump

[Author’s Note: Tim Jones of the news website Glossy News, in an exclusive interview with Donald Trump, asked the presidential candidate to clarify his claim that President Obama was the “Founder of Isis.” Below is an excerpt from this revealing…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Breaking News: Obama Caused World War II, According to Trump