Khameini Iran
Posted in Comics

I Thought These People Weren’t Supposed To Have A Sense Of Humor- Iran Has a Trump Cartoon Contest!

According to the Tehran Times over 1,600 entries were sent to the Iranian “International Trumpism Cartoon and Caricature Contest” this past week. Over 550 people from 75 countries sent in their creations all depicting President-Select Trump in various Twitter-worthy modes…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! I Thought These People Weren’t Supposed To Have A Sense Of Humor- Iran Has a Trump Cartoon Contest!
Harriet Tubman note
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Mnuchin Passes on Tubman, Offers Trump as Compromise for New $20

Washington, DC- On Thursday, Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, announced he had scrapped plans to release an updated $20 bill featuring the likeness of famed American abolitionist Harriet Tubman, sighting security issues with the design. The new bill had…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Mnuchin Passes on Tubman, Offers Trump as Compromise for New $20
Posted in Politics Top Stories

WTF?! Trump Fox & “Fiends” Interview Goes Off the Rails on a Crazy Train!

Washington, DC- On Friday, during a wild interview with Fox and Fiends host Ainsley Earhardt, President Donald Trump openly challenged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to begin Articles of Impeachment, repeatedly challenged the House Speaker’s “manhood,” discussed the Art of the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! WTF?! Trump Fox & “Fiends” Interview Goes Off the Rails on a Crazy Train!
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Politics

Trump’s Childhood Friend Pens Biography on Trump’s Early Years

Ever wonder what Trump was like as a child? Much like Jesus, his early years are a mystery. In a new book penned by one of Trump’s close childhood friends, we now have a window into the mind of the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump’s Childhood Friend Pens Biography on Trump’s Early Years
Posted in Top Stories

T-Rex & Me: Taking it to the Trump!

NOTE FROM WALLACE:  T-Rex has strong feelings about the controversial US leader who is now visiting the UK! So far, a Twitter war with the Mayor of London, Royal family ‘nasty’ dispute, and a bizarre interview with a flamboyantly controversial…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! T-Rex & Me: Taking it to the Trump!
Posted in General Interest

Lots of Mini-Trumps Around Europe

Lots of mini-Trumps around Europe – glossynews On Sunday, May 26, elections were held to renew the European Union Parliament and in many countries, the best election results were obtained by political figures who in some way appear to be…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Lots of Mini-Trumps Around Europe
Posted in General Interest

Huawei Not Afraid of Donald Trump

Who knows how the news was received in Huawei’s upper floor offices when the top executives learnt about the end of the relationship with Google Android because of the trade war that broke out between the U.S., in particular the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Huawei Not Afraid of Donald Trump
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Our All-Hearing Drone Succeeds Once Again! We Eavesdrop On The Latest Trump – Putin Phone Call!

Still undetected by the CIA or the KGB, our seemingly undetectable drone has this time crashed the phone call our feckless leader made to Uncle Putin the other day. We could analyze it and pre-masticate it before feeding it to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Our All-Hearing Drone Succeeds Once Again! We Eavesdrop On The Latest Trump – Putin Phone Call!
Posted in Crime World News

“CRIME ISN’T A COLLUSION!” Trump & Giuliani Defend Bolsonaro Assassination Epidemic!

WHO IS BEHIND THE EPIDEMIC OF MISSING JOURNALISTS IN BRAZIL?! The mainstream media are blaming their country’s new leader, Jair Bolsonaro. Alleging that the mysterious disappearances have been directly commissioned, Putin-style, by the flamboyantly irritable Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “CRIME ISN’T A COLLUSION!” Trump & Giuliani Defend Bolsonaro Assassination Epidemic!
Posted in Politics

Mueller and Trump: Partners in Crime

CONGRESSMAN GIRLYMAN: Mr. Mueller, thank you for appearing before this congressional committee. We gather from William Barr’s summary of your report that you didn’t find sufficient evidence to prove at trial that President Trump had obstructed justice or that he…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Mueller and Trump: Partners in Crime