Category: Travel
Famously Tall Playground Delights Children, Actuarials
In the heart of the coolest part of Missoula, Montana, and I assure you such a place can and does exist, is a playground park like no other I’ve ever seen. When I say it’s the tallest playground ever, I…
In True American Form, Hawaii Renamed “Bob Islands”
In a tradition that dates back to the time of the first white European navigators, the federal government, composed mostly of old white men, will change the name of the Hawaiian islands to something more Aryan- they will be renamed…
Turn on the Wong Street to See Historic Fire Lookout
If you’re ever in up-city Helena, Montana and think you might be lost, there’s a good chance you are, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t good things to see. By “up-city” I really mean “up-hill” and I know because even…
McRestaurant McReminds McTourists of McHome
If you’ve ever traveled, whether it was across town or across the world, the one thing you wanted more than unlimited outgoing calls from your room was something familiar that reminded you of home. In my case I could think…
Brazil Steals Oktoberfest from Germans
Blumenau, SC, Brazil – In what can only be called the biggest beer coup of the decade, the town of Blumenau, Brazil has stolen yet another world’s biggest party, this time from the Germans. When it comes to hedonism, Brazilians…
Air India Title Fight – Pilots vs Cabin Crew
Further scandal hits basket case Air India with news that pilots and cabin crew manning an international flight bound for Dehli got into an argument because the flight route had to be changed last minute because of a huge storm…
Hippies in Power: Cars to Blame for ‘All’ Bike Crunches
New Labour’s Ministry for Daft Ideas has come up with a brilliant scheme to introduce novel laws in a bid to promote greener transport methods and are considering making motorists legally responsible for all fender-bender accidents involving cyclists or pedestrians…
Tribal Native Denies “Being a Ninja”, Secretly Dreams
It was the strangest thing. We were having a runaway, rampant day out, doing our darnedest to span the landscape of the Puerto Rican interestosphere, regardless of the locals’ patent refusals to engage us in our media-istic capacities. It was…
Documentary 2,000 Miles to Maine Fails to Suck
I regularly accept requests to review films and do so with boisterous glee. Hollywood is afraid of my brutal honesty but, once out of the “Golden State” of California the fear dissipates and my poignant slams are more graciously accepted….
Heelys; Sole Wears Thin, Novelty Don’t
After three solid years of near daily use, my faithful novelty shoes, bought on a whim, must now be unfortunately retired. And why? What an insult to modern value that shoes eventually wear out. When I first bought them, I…