Posted in Society Strange People

Most Idiotic Nuisance 999 Calls Revealed

A Smegmadale Jewish priest, Rabbi Sheldon Scrunt, dialled 999 when staff at Manchester Airport’s W H Smuts bookstore would not allow him to use the toilet, then subsequently shit kittens when the plods turned up and arrested him for making…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Most Idiotic Nuisance 999 Calls Revealed
Posted in Society Strange People

Personalised Plates Hit for Homophobia

A score of “offensive” vehicle registration plates have been withdrawn from a Smegmashire DVLA auction as they might well fall under the politically-incorrect categories of ‘homophobic’, ‘sexist’, racist’ or ‘anarchist’ and breach one or another of the new European Fascist…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Personalised Plates Hit for Homophobia
Posted in Society Strange People

Library Scissors: Weapons of Mass Distraction?

Greater London’s Scumdale Hamlets council has apologised after a student was refused the loan of a pair of scissors in a library because she ‘might stab a member of staff’. Rita McScrunt, a 15-year old mother of three, had her…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Library Scissors: Weapons of Mass Distraction?
Posted in Human Interest Society Strange People

Guinness Records: Hardest, Oldest, Smallest & Tallest

And now – the latest Guinness World Records: A two-time Guinness record holder is hoping to enter the prestigious compendium yet again with a third placing by completing 100 push-ups in 60 seconds – using his penis – while viewing…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Guinness Records: Hardest, Oldest, Smallest & Tallest
Posted in Human Interest Strange People

Yob Fined for Getting Cat Stoned on Ganja

A teenage yob who was filmed on a mobile phone forcing a neighbour’s terrified tomcat to inhale cannabis while captive in a clear plastic laundry bag – before swinging it round his head like a Gaucho’s bolas – was slapped…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Yob Fined for Getting Cat Stoned on Ganja
Posted in Politics Strange People

Palin to Cook eBay Auction $63.5K Fundraiser Dinner

WASILLA, ALASKA — A woman defense contractor in Huntsville, Ala., won the “Dangerous” Dining with Sarah Palin eBay auction — her bid was $63,500. Auction details only allow the winning bidder to bring three friends to the dinner. Palin’s spokeswoman…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Palin to Cook eBay Auction $63.5K Fundraiser Dinner
Posted in Religionism Society Strange People

Innovative Indonesia: One Sharia Step Forward – Two Humane Steps Back

In an all-out attempt to catch up with the 21st Century and their high-tech’ Occidental peers, the foot-dragging Muslim community of Sumatra’s basket case Aceh province seem to be stuck in the Islamic year of 1430 and have just taken…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Innovative Indonesia: One Sharia Step Forward – Two Humane Steps Back
Posted in Crime Human Interest Strange People

Knackers to Knockers: Tranny Prisoner Wins Appeal

The refusal to move a pre-operative transsexual prisoner from a men’s jail to a women’s prison is a violation of her human rights, according to a High Court judge. Deputy Judge Fellatia Faggorotti quashed Justice Secretary Jack Straw’s decision to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Knackers to Knockers: Tranny Prisoner Wins Appeal
Posted in Environment Strange People

Racist Row Revving Up, Four Sure to End Up on the Floor

A Smegmadale driver spent two nights in jail after being accused of the latest numpty-dumpty politically-incorrect crime of “revving his car in a racist manner”.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Racist Row Revving Up, Four Sure to End Up on the Floor
Posted in Sports Scandals Strange People

Dan Rather: CBS Spiked Biden “60 Minutes” Interview

Former CBS Anchor Dan Rather charged today that the network recently spiked a “60 Minutes” interview with Vice President Joe Biden under pressure from the White House. “I heard that Rahm Emanuel previewed the tape and found Biden harder to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Dan Rather: CBS Spiked Biden “60 Minutes” Interview