Posted in Human Interest

Inclusion Humor (II): ‘Hey, Can I Celebrate Your Diversity?’ Uh, no… Please Don’t

There is a ‘text’ and a ‘subtext’ so ubiquitous now, I feel it would be very unhelpful to attribute it to any one person. I do not wish to blame any one individual, or any number of individuals; clearly, the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Inclusion Humor (II): ‘Hey, Can I Celebrate Your Diversity?’ Uh, no… Please Don’t
Jez Corbyn Labour
Posted in Human Interest Society

Inclusion Humor (I): The Complexity of Accessibility

Accessibility is a very current topic, but not all framings of accessibility are alike. Spot the difference: University admissions A We must have 50% of young people attending university, to make us viable competitors on the world stage, and set our stamp…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Inclusion Humor (I): The Complexity of Accessibility
Posted in Crime

Weeks after Toddler Exile Fiasco, John Lewis Internal Dissident Mysteriously Disappeared… Um, ‘Disappears’

Notable socialite-apologist silk-peddler syndicate John Lewis has recently got into trouble for its new policy of systematically exiling toddlers and other vicious and unpredictable terrorists and master criminals: But since this recent dastardly scheme started to unfold a few weeks back,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Weeks after Toddler Exile Fiasco, John Lewis Internal Dissident Mysteriously Disappeared… Um, ‘Disappears’
jorge mario bergoglio
Posted in Religionism

A Vatican Rockstar Who Pulls No Punches

I know the Pope’s comments are from a while back; but don’t forget that much of the media are still giving a simplified, sanitized picture of Pope Francis for general consumption! This being so, it’s definitely worth taking a long, hard,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Vatican Rockstar Who Pulls No Punches
Posted in Human Interest

99 Reasons why Satire should be Kept Entirely within the Bounds of Tolerance, Civility, Decency and Decorum


WTF?! Click now to find out more! 99 Reasons why Satire should be Kept Entirely within the Bounds of Tolerance, Civility, Decency and Decorum
Posted in Human Interest

Thoughts That Need To Be Thunk About For 2016

Thoughts That Need To Be Thunk About For 2016 If Donald Trump wins the Presidential election he will consider all of us to be ‘losers’. If the Occupiers of the wildlife refuge took over the land there, wouldn’t they probably…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Thoughts That Need To Be Thunk About For 2016
Posted in Human Interest Television

BBC Try to Stop Offending Islamic State… & All the Other Ones Too (2/2)

Hope you enjoyed the first instalment! Here is more pitiful bien-pensant claptrap from the BBC, following their recent flamboyantly privileged nitpicking over the term ‘Islamic State.’ The ‘Republicains’ of Sarkozy are now the ‘soi-disant Republicans,’ because some members of other…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! BBC Try to Stop Offending Islamic State… & All the Other Ones Too (2/2)
Posted in Strange People Top Stories

The Problem Began With Cows- The Oregon Wildlife Refuge Standoff

The problem begins with the cows. They don’t belong here in the first place.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Problem Began With Cows- The Oregon Wildlife Refuge Standoff
Posted in Politics Religionism

Muslims Couldn’t Care Less About Trump’s Edgy Religious Conversions

Donald Trump has recently decided to further alienate Muslims by staging a controversial religious conversion. Or rather, a whole sevenfold string of counterfeit conversions. However, his plan appears to have backfired. Trump decided to convert to the Baha’i, Yazidi, Mandaean,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Muslims Couldn’t Care Less About Trump’s Edgy Religious Conversions
Posted in Politics Religionism

Ben Carson: Episcopalians are Worse than ISIS

Ben Carson has recently made another epic Godwin fail. But who has had the dire misfortune of incurring his wrath this time? Fifa & ISIS. … Uh, sorry! … Episcopalians & ISIS. One is a thuggish gang of jackbooted religious…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Ben Carson: Episcopalians are Worse than ISIS