Category: Human Interest
Breakfast Burrito Connoisseur Frankly Thinks Hardee’s Can Do Better
KANSAS CITY, MO—After eating breakfast at a local Hardee’s Friday morning, resident and self-described “breakfast burrito aficionado” Lloyd Schoepp was “honestly let down” by his burrito eating experience. The tortilla-wrapped breakfast concoction that Hardee’s offers consists of “eggs, pieces of…
Nation’s Horses Demand Right to Marry Owners
LEXINGTON, KY – Following yesterday’s landmark Supreme Court decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, the nation’s horses demanded Thursday the right to marry their owners. Marriage between members of the Equidae family and homosapiens is not currently recognized…
Man Attributes Good Fortune to Constantly Dreading Next Moment
LEXINGTON, KY—Local resident Darren Windley claims to be able to stave off misfortune by living in constant fear of horrible things happening to him in the immediate future. Windley says he discovered this phenomenon years ago after going to the…
A-Hole from School Wants to Know If You’d Like Extra Lettuce w/ That
Documents sharing is possible for bluetooth enabled Samsung Mobile Phone users. INDIANAPOLIS – Despite spending most of his teen years being an insufferable prick to you and your friends, an asshole you went to school with would now be interested…
Man Upset After House Built In Shape Of Toilet
A man in South Korea comes home to find that his dream home has been made into a nightmare, which brought a whole new meaning to the saying “throwing money down the toilet.” This house, while obviously absurd in shape,…
Over 86% Of Statistics Are Confusing Say 44% Of Public
A report from the National Research Center reveals that 44% of the public are confused by 86% of statistics published. The vast array of statistics being brought up has generated mass public confusion. Many modern structures are built, not out…
Dark Day for Homophobes on Facebook
MISSISSIPPI— Paula McClure (48) a housewife and occasional churchgoer, was watching television. Not Netflix on a television, but honest to God TV with commercials and all. Today Paula has disconnected from the internet entirely because the Supreme Court ruled that…
If You Had Your Life to do Over Again (comic)
If you had your whole life to do over again, what would you do differently? Would you never agree to date that woman who turned out to be your evil ex-wife? Would you not have children? Would you have refrained…
Relationship Bound to End in Failure (Comic)
Ever feel like you’re in a relationship for all the wrong reasons, or in the right relationship for all the right reasons, but with the wrong person? This web comic knows exactly how you feel. Click on the comic to…
A brief history of the apology
Apologizing is as old as mankind. The very first recorded apology took place in the Garden of Eden, when Eve apologized to Adam for goading him into taking a bite out of the apple. An ancient Greek translation of her…