Posted in Health Television

Piggy Adam Richman Mocks Critic; Beats Eating Crap Out of Him

Piggy Adam Richman Mocks Critic; Beats Eating the Crap Out of Him (Family-Friendly Censored Version) Mr. Piggy Adam Richman, a titty overweight eater, who had his very own show on the Travel Channel mocked his “critics” by posting a comment,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Piggy Adam Richman Mocks Critic; Beats Eating Crap Out of Him
Posted in Entertainment Television

“Yucky World” with Dick and Janey: Is there too much sex on TV? (Part 2)

Announcer: Continuing their “Yucky World” interview with network programmer Seymour Dooless, Dick and Janey will be using examples of televised sexual situations. Dick: We’ve brought a TV monitor into our studio so that we can show scenes from some typical…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Yucky World” with Dick and Janey: Is there too much sex on TV? (Part 2)
Posted in Television

“Yucky World” with Dick and Janey: Is there too much sex on TV? (Part 1)

Announcer: Fictional TV shows are often criticized for having too much sex on them. Dick and Janey, talks show hosts of “Yucky World”, will be discussing this issue with network programmer Seymour Dooless. Janey: Our topic for today asks the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Yucky World” with Dick and Janey: Is there too much sex on TV? (Part 1)
Posted in Strange People Television

Univision Goes Bankrupt After Soap Operas are Banned in the U.S

After Congress presented the U.S with a bill called “HIJO DE SU PUTA MADRE”, the corporation responsible for distributing the Hispanic culture’s entertainment programs on television, Univision, was declared bankrupt, leaving thousands in ruin and on the streets. One man,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Univision Goes Bankrupt After Soap Operas are Banned in the U.S
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Television

Julianna Rose Maurielo, Stephanie from LazyTown, Dead of Apparent Suicide Overdose

Beloved and coveted former child actress and sex icon Julianna Rose Mauriello was found dead in her Bangkok apartment where she was staying while filming an upcoming feature. “Stephanie [from] LazyTown was on TV, I’m told,” said coroner Panupong Mantri….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Julianna Rose Maurielo, Stephanie from LazyTown, Dead of Apparent Suicide Overdose
Posted in Television

Jake, From State Farm, Sues State Farm For Ruining His Dating Life

Bloomington, IL – The actor who plays “Jake, from State Farm”, we’ll call him Jake, from State Farm, in the famous insurance firm’s commercial, is suing the company for stereotyping him as “hideous” and ruining his love life. The actor…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Jake, From State Farm, Sues State Farm For Ruining His Dating Life
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Television

Fine, I’ll Break the News: Paul Dinello to Take Over Colbert Report

With Stephen Colbert leaving to fill the massive shoes of David Letterman on CBS, who will take over at 11:30 on Comedy Central? Paul Dinello, it is hoped. This news has not been official until now. No one else has…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Fine, I’ll Break the News: Paul Dinello to Take Over Colbert Report
Posted in Television

E-Trade Baby Blowing Through Money After Commercial Campaign Canceled

The precocious baby known for turning millions on to online trading, and making millions for himself, is reportedly blowing through his fortune at an alarming rate since E-Trade pulled the plug on the commercial campaign which made him famous. ‘E’,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! E-Trade Baby Blowing Through Money After Commercial Campaign Canceled
Posted in Politics Television

Harry Reid Takes on Bundy Family, Al says “Let’s Rock”

(Nevada) – Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has doubled down on his name calling by referring to the Bundy family as ‘domestic terrorists’ after the Bundy home became a lightning rod for controversy involving unpaid taxes. The situation began…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Harry Reid Takes on Bundy Family, Al says “Let’s Rock”
Posted in Celebrity Gossip Television

Cantankerous Collaborator Steven Colbert to Take Over for Lame Liberal Lefty Letterman

The ultimate traitor, Steven Colbert, has sold his soul and gone over to the dark side of the Force. In signing a deal with CBS, probably with a pinprick and a signature in blood, he has given up his proud…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Cantankerous Collaborator Steven Colbert to Take Over for Lame Liberal Lefty Letterman