Author: Brian White
Armed Rebels Reclaim Headquarters
Following a bloody, three-hour gun battle on the outskirts of Seattle, armed loyalists to ousted editor Brian K. White have reclaimed the offices. Glossy News had been under the control of The Blaze, Inc., which many considered hostile, for less…
Immigrants Hesitant, Lukewarm to Christian Traditions (Comic)
We all know what time of year it is, so without further ado, here’s our holiday installment. Click image to see it full-size.
Spousal Argument Apparently Over Nothing (comic)
Do you ever get that feeling that you’re really arguing for no reason at all? This couple does but it all makes sense in the end.
Jihadis Excited About Self-Driving Cars
Jihad organizers, coordinators and enthusiasts met this week in San Antonio, Texas, to advance their myriad causes. A panel discussion entitled “Sub-Suicide Bombings” brought up an interesting possibility; autonomous cars. Speaking from room 410 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention…
Learn Easter from Your Kids: Zombie Jesus Brings Gold (Video)
My kids attend weekly Awana meetings, where they learn about how letting people talk about Jesus can result in candy and prizes. For the true magic of Jesus, I had to share with them a bit of the practical side….
Reddit to Open Real World Chat-Houses (x-post from reality)
Infamous web community Reddit is taking a big step. They’re going “meat space” and opening of real world “chat houses” in the US this fall, and they’re hoping it will bring all the same successes. Jaskon Rosrath, the new VP…
Search Engine Scandal; Google Auto-Completes Your Racism
Google offers an Auto-Complete feature. You start your search, they suggest what you might want to see, based on what others have searched… and Google thinks you’re a huge racist. I searched almost every country in the world and what…
Pinewood Derby Teaches Valuable Lessons in Cheating, Abandonment
My boys had their first Pinewood Derby. As I sat there it dawned on me what’s really being taught; all the ugliness of life in one 7-ounces block of resentment. My older son had what I can charitably describe as…
Wanted to Know How to Woo My Lady. Book Learnin’ Did Me Right
As long-time readers of Glossy News know, I’m a man of exquisite passion. So when I wanted to ratchet up the loving, I did what any man would do. I sipped some whiskey, yelled at my kids, and turned to…
YOLO Dead; As Are Most Adherents (Part 2)
We began our story yesterday on the dangers of the phrase YOLO! and what it’s meant to the dwindling number of America’s less intelligent youth who followed this belief. What happened to them? We’ll tell you later, but we’ll give…