Britain First
Posted in Politics World News

Er, What?! Britain First Leader Acquitted of Hate Crime After Innovative ‘Transracial’ Defence

White-fisted fash-resembling golden boy and BNP-loving beta bully bitch Paul ‘Golden Balls’ Golding, high on his recent right-wing entryist scam against and/or for the Conservative Party, is now high on a very different kind of narcotic… And we don’t mean…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Er, What?! Britain First Leader Acquitted of Hate Crime After Innovative ‘Transracial’ Defence
Posted in Religionism World News

BURN THE WITCH! Washington DC Pastor Arrested for ‘Insanity,’ Defrocked for ‘Heresy & Blasphemy’

An African-American pastor has been arrested and institutionalized for what Fox News has called an ‘utterly unhinged, dangerous, extremist, De Niroesque mafia rant’ outside the White House. According to sources, Catherine Ukunda Underhill spent ‘close to ten minutes’ spreading ‘divisive…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! BURN THE WITCH! Washington DC Pastor Arrested for ‘Insanity,’ Defrocked for ‘Heresy & Blasphemy’
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Posted in Politics World News

Billionaire Cayman Yacht W**ker Wants You to Know He DESPISES “Arrogant, Out of Touch Metropolitan Elite!”

Decrepit 80s Beano cameo prancer and overfed nannified Southern flouncer Jacob Rees-Mogg wants you to know that he hates neoliberal greed, elitist Londoners and the usual arrogant south of the M1 Avocado Gangsters of the Kale ‘n’ Quinoa belt… And…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Billionaire Cayman Yacht W**ker Wants You to Know He DESPISES “Arrogant, Out of Touch Metropolitan Elite!”
Hacked Off Hugh
Posted in Politics World News

Luvvies Actually vs The Shining: EPIC Hacked Off Hugh Grant Movie Mashup!

Well, talk about a nightmare before Xmas! And I’m not just talking about this guy. Or this one… Tim Burtonesque high-class supervillain and irritable nice guy thespian Hugh John Mungo Noseyparker De Pfeffel ‘Hacked Off Hughie’ Grant recently turned up…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Luvvies Actually vs The Shining: EPIC Hacked Off Hugh Grant Movie Mashup!
Labour Party
Posted in Politics World News

UK’s Oldest Student Activist Hails ‘Stunning Victory’ in Westminster Campus Debating Contest

Obsessive marrow pickler and underrated one-man Arthur Steptoe tribute act Jeremy ‘Jihadi Jez’ Corbyn wants the entire UK (and world!) to know that he won, you lost, and you’d better bloody well suck it up, arite?!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! UK’s Oldest Student Activist Hails ‘Stunning Victory’ in Westminster Campus Debating Contest
Posted in Politics World News

Boris Johnson Promises Brexit Boom: “We’ll Corner the Cocaine Industry!”

Compulsive Onanist and quasi-photogenic Eton fop Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson has finally managed to allay fears of a Brexit slump by investing in local industry, providing some helpful tax cuts to rich and poor alike, and looking out for…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Boris Johnson Promises Brexit Boom: “We’ll Corner the Cocaine Industry!”
Posted in Politics World News

Boris Johnson SUPER GAFFE! “Neo-Nazi Terrorists are a Terrible Drain on Our Prison System”

Fiscally responsible coke-ridden cockwomble Boris Johnson has furiously denounced Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘grossly opportunistic and uncompassionate‘ calls for a zero-tolerance approach to white supremacist terrorism.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Boris Johnson SUPER GAFFE! “Neo-Nazi Terrorists are a Terrible Drain on Our Prison System”
panopticon surveillance
Posted in Internets Tubes War Zone World News

ISIS SNOWFLAKES ❄️❄️❄️ NO-PLATFORM Mark Zuckerberg & Facebook!!!!!

ISIS 2.0, better than you’ve ever tasted before, recently got a boost from some prominent pre-millennial evangelical apocalypse watchers. But despite these ringing endorsements from America’s top theological enterpreneurs, the self-proclaimed Union of Jihadist Soviet Republics has now faced its…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! ISIS SNOWFLAKES ❄️❄️❄️ NO-PLATFORM Mark Zuckerberg & Facebook!!!!!
Posted in Society Technology World News

Facebook Announces it Will be Closing its Doors Cos… All Facebook Accounts are FAKE ANYWAY!

Over the past six months, Facebook has removed over 3.2 billion fake accounts, following the 3 billion it removed in the six months before that. Today, they’ll be closing their doors for good because, as Suckerburger or Zuchiniburg (or whatever)…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Facebook Announces it Will be Closing its Doors Cos… All Facebook Accounts are FAKE ANYWAY!
jihadism terrorism
Posted in Politics Religionism World News

SAD! ISIS Caliph Wakes up in Hell with 72 Incels… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Crazy cat bachelor and flamboyant Glastonbury fashionista Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has ended with a little spot of bother after splitting hell wide open in Episode II of ‘Quite Possibly Purely FAKE and Imaginary American Terrorist Assassinations.’ GUESS WHAT HAPPENED…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! SAD! ISIS Caliph Wakes up in Hell with 72 Incels… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣