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Phone Call Between Putin and Trump Regarding Value of American Lives

T: How much you paying them? P: $100,000 for each stinking American life. T: You’re shitting me. They’re not worth 2 cents. P: You pull my pud, Donny Boy – T: Feel good? Ha, ha! P: Hmmmmski… T: They’re SOLDIERS, for…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Phone Call Between Putin and Trump Regarding Value of American Lives
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Here LIES the Trump Administration, 2016-2020     Trump’s Choices for Its Gravestone Epitaph

Frank Sinatra’s gravestone epitaph optimistically proclaims, “The Best is Yet to Come.” Johnny Cash’s memorial, maybe contemplating Lucifer and St. Peter vying for his presence, wryly notes “I Walk the Line” as a final farewell. Caustic comedian Rodney Dangerfield saw…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Here LIES the Trump Administration, 2016-2020     Trump’s Choices for Its Gravestone Epitaph
Posted in Entertainment Politics


Hamilton brought history to a new generation. Rap Trump seeks the same at a time when the original has returned to the Disney Channel. Kanye West plays Donald Trump [T]; Queen Latifah plays Nancy Pelosi [P]; and Lin-Manuel Miranda plays…

Posted in Entertainment Politics

Trumpisms 10.0 by Richard Seltzer

335 Satan is a great composer. His sin-phonies are epic. Especially his Trumplandia in B Flat Minor. 336 Millions of teenagers are now having a premature senior moment — their gradu-wait-ion ceremony. 337 An apt quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes:…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 10.0 by Richard Seltzer
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Make America Gag Again

Atlanta (AP) Just when the Trump Administration thought things could not get any worse, the Center for Disease Control released a report on the dramatic increase of Non-Covid19, related Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS20), that has ravaged sixty-five percent of the country…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Make America Gag Again
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Politics

Barr’s Secret Police Identified as Unemployed Walmart Security Guards

Washington DC (WAPO) Dismayed by the May jobs report and the unabated protests outside the White House, Administration Spokesperson, Kay (I need to get…) leighed MagaNinny announced yesterday that Attorney Generalissimo William Barf, Economic Guru Supremo Kevin Hassbeen and Walmart…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Barr’s Secret Police Identified as Unemployed Walmart Security Guards
Posted in Entertainment Politics Top Stories

Trump Claims He is a Necromancer

Washington DC (AP) In a remarkable disclosure in the Rose Garden Friday, President Trump announced, “When I arose this morning, I discovered I had the spiritual gift of being able to communicate with the dead. In fact, it was George…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Claims He is a Necromancer
Posted in Entertainment Politics Top Stories

Trump Signs Executive Order Banning All Masks

On Friday, President Trump signed an executive order banning all masks after he was photographed while wearing one, a “pleasure” he did not want to give the press, according to Trump. While the legality and practicality of enforcing this executive…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Signs Executive Order Banning All Masks
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Trump Proves That He Wore a Facemask on the Honeywell Factory Visit

Phoenix, AZ (AP) President Donald Trump when asked at a recent press encounter why he didn’t where a face mask on his recent tour of the Honeywell mask factory, emphatically affirmed that,  “…I did wear a mask and maybe you…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Proves That He Wore a Facemask on the Honeywell Factory Visit
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Trump’s Tchotchkes: White House Souvenir Shop / Going Out of Business Sale

Trump Lego Maker’s Kit: To build impregnable wall. Biden Ukraine T-shirt: Biden Senior & Junior pictured. Caption: “Ukraine, You Saw, We Conquered.” Golfing POTUS: POTUS playing golf with NASCAR stars. Colin Kaepernick, Steph Curry, Lebron James and Megan Rapinoe photo-shopped…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump’s Tchotchkes: White House Souvenir Shop / Going Out of Business Sale