Posted in Politics

SAD! Trump’s ‘FAKE’ Tax Returns Leaked to New York Times!

ED: A hearty festive welcome back to Dan Geddes of another side-splitting online publication, The Satirist! WASHINGTON, DC – The New York Times has published the personal tax returns of President Donald Trump, precipitating a media frenzy on both sides of the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! SAD! Trump’s ‘FAKE’ Tax Returns Leaked to New York Times!
Nativity story
Posted in Politics Religionism

Xmas Horror! Three Wise Men from the East Shot at Eastern Border of Trump’s America (Parable)

We all love a cuddly, heart-warming Xmas story, but this time, we’re heading more into Grinchy territory. Not to be confused with Gingrinchy territory… It was a cold, cold winter’s evening, and three shivering silhouttes hurled themselves out of their…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Xmas Horror! Three Wise Men from the East Shot at Eastern Border of Trump’s America (Parable)
Posted in Politics

Trumpisms 3.0: Worse & Worser, Curiouser & Curiouser!

ED: Does anybody like sick jokes? Or at least sick jokes about sick jokes? Well here’s a double bill of twisted Trump humor! Don’t forget instalments one and two as well… Trumpisms 3.0 by Richard Seltzer

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 3.0: Worse & Worser, Curiouser & Curiouser!
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Trump Renames Pardoned Turkeys “High Crimes & Misdemeanors”

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump participated in the annual turkey pardon on Tuesday afternoon in the White House Rose Garden. Justice was served alongside stuffing and cranberry sauce, as Trump made his official decision. For the second…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Renames Pardoned Turkeys “High Crimes & Misdemeanors”
Posted in Politics

Trumpisms 2.0: Can We Bear Another 4 Years???

ED: Guess who’s back… again! Did you enjoy the first instalment? Here’s Richard Selzer with some more! 51 Trump has single-handedly taken us from the Bronze Age to the Age of Irony.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 2.0: Can We Bear Another 4 Years???
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Experts Debate: Is Trump a Lunatic or Just an Idiot?

During his tenure as President of the United States, Donald Trump has repeatedly demonstrated a tendency toward outrageous and mercurial behavior. He took office vowing to build the now infamous Wall that Mexico would surely pay for. He expressed awe…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Experts Debate: Is Trump a Lunatic or Just an Idiot?
Posted in Politics Top Stories

BREAKING NEWS: White House Announces Ken Starr Will Lead Trump’s Fight Against Impeachment

Washington, DC-  On Saturday, White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham announced that President Donald Trump has hired former Special Counsel Ken Starr to lead the administrations efforts against a Democrat led House Impeachment Inquiry. This news comes fresh off the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! BREAKING NEWS: White House Announces Ken Starr Will Lead Trump’s Fight Against Impeachment
Naughty restaurant rats
Posted in World News

Trump’s Hair of the American Dog!

In the comical, 2017 Pixar cartoon Ratatouille, a culinarily skilled Rat turns a clumsy and lowly restaurant garbage boy into a master Chef. To everyone, from the kitchen staff to the restaurant’s guest, Alfredo Linguini displays the dexterity and talent…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump’s Hair of the American Dog!
Magic wish come true
Posted in Politics Society

Some People Confuse Trump With… THE TOOTH FAIRY?! (Easy Mistake to Make…)

Arno Hill, the Mayor of Lordstown, Ohio, was interviewed by NPR radio the other day in relation to the fact that General Motors (remember them? They were once famous for making cars, lots of cars. And for Micheal Moore getting…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Some People Confuse Trump With… THE TOOTH FAIRY?! (Easy Mistake to Make…)
Posted in Politics World News

Donald Trump Buys Greenland So That He Can Finally Be King Of Something!

Contrary to scepticism as recently as TODAY, President Extraordinaire Donald Trump has succeeded in buying the entire island of Greenland from the Danish government. At first the Danes were not happy at parting with a vast piece of property roughly…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Donald Trump Buys Greenland So That He Can Finally Be King Of Something!