Posted in Politics

‘He Who Shall Not Be Named’ Creates Stress For Romney Campaigners

There was great tension at the Republican Campaign Headquarters that morning as the worker bees entered their office in D.C. As with every campaign, unexpected situations come up. “’He Who Shall Not Be Named’” wants to endorse Romney.” stated Mitch…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! ‘He Who Shall Not Be Named’ Creates Stress For Romney Campaigners
Posted in Politics

GlossyNews Announces 2012 Presidential Endorsement… Not Who You Think

In 2008 we endorsed then-senator Barack Obama, but apparently it is best form to consult with our staff before reaching such a weighty decision. For 2012 I requested an endorsement statement from all 127 of our writers, and the endorsements…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GlossyNews Announces 2012 Presidential Endorsement… Not Who You Think
Posted in Travel

The People’s Republic of Uzupis Takes Political Independence to New Heights

THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF UZUPIS – In 1991 the people of Lithuania declared their independence from the Soviet Union. In 1997 the people of Uzupis, a district of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, declared their independence from Lithuania and got…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The People’s Republic of Uzupis Takes Political Independence to New Heights
Posted in Politics

Frustrated Voter Questions Paul Ryan’s Birth

Frustrated voter Dixon Notch of Plainville, Ohio has raised a complaint about Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan. “I’ve got a problem with Mitt Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan,” said Notch. “It’s not Ryan’s right-wing conservative views on things like abortion…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Frustrated Voter Questions Paul Ryan’s Birth
Posted in Television

Sad, Non-Swing States Desperate for Campaign Funds

With an estimated $2billion in campaign cash being spent around the country, economies are suffering in non-swing states. Marketers from the nation’s bluest and reddest states are making fevered pitches with just weeks to go until election day, and some…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sad, Non-Swing States Desperate for Campaign Funds
Posted in Politics

The Only 14 Zingers at the 2012 Presidential Debate

Respective political rhetoric aside, there were only a few bright (or even interesting) moments in the presidential debate. Following are the only 14 things even close to a “zinger” uttered by Obama, Romney or Jim Lehrer. 1) Romney: “Happy Anniversary,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Only 14 Zingers at the 2012 Presidential Debate
Posted in Politics

Romney’s Tax Records Show He’s Working for President Obama

WASHINTON D.C.- The Romeny campaign had contested showing Mitt’s 2011 returns for so long, and once released, every one understood why. Mitt Romney had been on the Obama campaign’s payroll for quite some time. “Mitt did a really good job…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Romney’s Tax Records Show He’s Working for President Obama
Posted in World News

Egyptian Government Plans New Pyramid Construction to Ease Vast Unemployment Problem

Cairo, Egypt – ( Egyptian authorities have begun the process of building the fourth Pyramid of Giza in order to aleviate the severe unemployment problem that has plagued the country since 2,000 BC. The Egyptian Department of Slave Labor sources…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Egyptian Government Plans New Pyramid Construction to Ease Vast Unemployment Problem
Posted in Politics

Five Things You Won’t Hear at the Democratic National Convention

Charlotte, NC – ( During the Republican convention the main theme was reality based with a good dose about our current economic woes. During the DNC convention the discussion will be based upon issues that are social in nature and…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Five Things You Won’t Hear at the Democratic National Convention
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Politics

Nation’s Debt Crisis Solved – No Need to Thank me – Conclusion

Previously, I shared several brilliant ways we can pay down the nation’s debt. But I was just getting started. I saved my best ideas for last. Mount Rushmore: $8.2 billion. Comes with lifelike sculptures of three of our greatest presidents…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Nation’s Debt Crisis Solved – No Need to Thank me – Conclusion