Category: Society
Professor Smiggles Takes on False Humility, Dodgy Polls & Randy Jane Austen Characters
10% of British folk think they are moving downstairs after they die and reach the afterlife.
Black Peter, Russian Paul: Not All Icons Look the Same
People in every culture seem to have a different vision of key religious figures. Over the course of a few articles, I’m going to compare a few public domain images I’ve found from various religions.
Edgy London Soap Opera Panders to Booming Postmodernist Intellectual Market
A recent TV programme has finally cornered the crowded market of postmodern London soap operas. Millions of viewers are tuning in every week; and yet, nobody seems to have the slightest idea ‘wass goin’ on?’ in this rather bizarre and…
Moderate Center or Radical Center? A Poem for the Age
Between #literallyhitler & #literallystalin There is a narrow No Man’s Land.
CIA Hymnbook III: Your Firewall Will Never Save You
Your firewall will never save you From our dread and mighty drones
Poem II: Up Through the Down Shelf
One day I will be gone.
Ulster Prod Arrested for Catholicismophobia: Latest PC Hate Crime Du Jour
Social Justice snowflakes have now come to characterize Catholicismophobia as a hate crime.
Poem I: Race to Outpace the Setting Sun
Imagine if you could wake up one day And it was all gone
Bill Cosby, O. J. Simpson to Lecture Serial Killers on Self-Protection
Following the lead of Brock Turner on how to rape someone and not get caught, fellow misunderstood master (alleged) criminals Bill Cosby and O.J. Simpson are to make a campus tour lecturing the serial killer community on how not to…
World’s Religious Leaders Pray for President Trump’s Comeuppance, to Restore God’s Good Name
Dateline: CALCUTTA—Religious leaders all over the world are praying for Donald Trump’s comeuppance.