Category: Internets Tubes
Social Media Icons
I mentioned a while back that this was going to be a BIG YEAR. Well, we now have an unbelievable panoply social media sharing icons at the bottom of every article! Make sure you avail of them. We’re always looking…
Fake News for Fake People: (3/3)
This is KIND OF fake news, insofar as it hasn’t actually happened yet. Loudmouthed Boston characters to replace the previously shy & retiring NYC ones? C’mon, people! MAKE IT HAPPEN Here’s a salutary lesson for INTELLIGENT Twitter users… Or not…
Fake Memes for Fake People: (2/3)
WTF? Did Orwell actually say this? Citrus surprise looking a little bitter Fake tan, fake opinions, fake Trump card Fake-o liberals and conservatives in Germany think book burning is more effective than winning the argument against fascism
Fake Memes for Fake People: (1/3)
Whatever happens, Ensuite Johnny gonna Ensuite! Lookin’ pretty chill there, bro! Dave on his best behaviour for the New Year? Pigs will fly! 😉 There are those who demonize and stereotype autistic folks. But then, there are also those self-diagnosed…
Donald Trump Proves Existence of the Multiverse
In a groundbreaking pronouncement, the International Forum of Theoretical Physicists today stated that Donald Trump’s election confirmed the existence of the multiverse. At a press conference held at the National Academy of Sciences, Belinda Suarez, IFTP’s executive director, declared that…
How Bridges Are Really Made
Bridges Bridges span everything from troubled waters to Terabithia, and are a major important, but how they really made? WHERE DO BRIDGE? First, political leaders identify a place where bridges done need to be made. They do this by looking…
Glossy News Classics: The Series Continues. But Will You One Day Make It?
Regular readers will be aware that we recently launched the Glossy News Classics series. Choice cuts and prime pickings from the vast, VAST back catalog of the second longest-running fake news humor site!
Peter Gabriel Goes Full Donald Trump (3/3)
Shut up about #RealDonaldTrump alright? #RealPeterGabriel has what it takes to restore the pride of our music industry & destroy our haters — RealPeter (@RealPeteGabriel) April 1, 2016 @NeverTrump Never forgive Trump for setting up parody account! I'm the real…
Peter Gabriel Goes Full Donald Trump (2/3)
Look shut up about all these stupid rules which are being used to keep us down! When I become the boss all that crap won't matter! #Genesis — RealPeter (@RealPeteGabriel) April 1, 2016
Peter Gabriel Goes Full Donald Trump (1/3)
Women who have stupid music collections should be punished. Preferably by listening to #PhilCollins 'I Can't Dance' for a whole day on loop! — RealPeter (@RealPeteGabriel) April 1, 2016