Posted in Gadgets & Gizmos

Apple Announces New Rainbow-Crapping Unicorn

Cupertino, CA – Apple Inc. today announced the next generation of their rainbow-crapping unicorn, the “Rainbow-Crapping Unicorn 5.” The name surprised the entire unicorn-blogging world after wide speculation that the latest Rainbow-Crapping Unicorn would be called the Rainbow-Crapping Unicorn 6…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Apple Announces New Rainbow-Crapping Unicorn
Posted in Health

Bottled Water Making Its Way to Alaska- Like Taking Mountains to Mohammed

Bottled water- who could ever, outside of professional con men such as P.T. Barnum and Soapy Smith, would ever have thought that it would be possible to put water in a bottle and actually get someone to buy it, except,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Bottled Water Making Its Way to Alaska- Like Taking Mountains to Mohammed
Posted in Sportsfolk

New Lakers Stars Learn How to Pass the Ball to Kobe

Los Angeles, California- As the Olympic hype dies down and the Lakers’ newest acquisitions begin training for the upcoming season, all players seem to be eager to learn how to pass the ball to Kobe. The two biggest new comers…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! New Lakers Stars Learn How to Pass the Ball to Kobe
Posted in Music

Exclusive Interview with Kanye West

I recently had the opportunity to sit down and speak with one of the most popular and successful hip-hop artists of our time: Mr. Kanye West. The following is a transcript of our interview. BDF: Good morning. It’s truly an…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Exclusive Interview with Kanye West
Posted in Politics

Romney Admits He Is Secretly Campaigning for Obama

GOP Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney admitted today that he has been secretly campaigning for Obama since the primary elections. “I have made no missteps in my campaign,” Romney stated during a press conference. “I want President Obama to be re-elected…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Romney Admits He Is Secretly Campaigning for Obama
Posted in Strange People

Never Trust a Fart

A wife returned home from work to find that her husband had become a victim of skid marks in his under garments yesterday evening, after he trusted a fart and allowed it to access the living room. The incident happened…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Never Trust a Fart