Category: Politics
“But Immigration is Complex…” Uh-uh, Not so Fast
Coming up to the 2015 General Election, the inflammatory rhetoric of UKIP is a worrying feature of the complex political scene in the UK. It’s always been complex, of course… Well, we have had politicians who have expanded the suffrage…
(The) News (Really) Bytes – April 2015
The Aurora Joker James Holmes trial finally begins three years after his attack at the premier of a new Batman movie that killed twelve people. Could we just have Batman seal him up in a forgotten part of the Batcave…
9/11/2001 – The Day After The Unimaginable Happened
(A book serial excerpt) What would have happened had events occurred differently on 9/11? The aircraft nosed through the mid morning sky. Outside the fuselage it was a sleek bird jetting its way through the air, its wings leaving contrails…
Sarko in China: “Monsieur Jinping, Break Down This Wall”
Nicolas Sarkozy is universally renowned and respected as the man who single-handedly brought down the Berlin Wall, restored the constitutional liberties and privileges of “La République,” and ended forever the reign of jihadist terror in the entire “monde non civilisée.”…
Our Crowdfunded North Korea Movie is Chugging Along, but it Needs Your Help
Kim Jong-Un is reportedly flipping his shit since the wide release of “The Interview”, which even his most dastardly designs did nothing to diminish. We’re about halfway done filming ours, and I must say, it… looks… amazing. “The Interview” was…
The Convenience of Misogyny? Kerry, Clinton, the White-Knight-Industrial Complex (2/2)
Continuing what I said yesterday about about John Kerry’s ethically problematic text on war rape and its pro-“Humanity” implications… Of course, there is fierce market competition among the The Party of Humanity, rather as there are among all religious cults,…
The Convenience of Misogyny? Kerry, Clinton, the White-Knight-Industrial Complex (1/2)
As Hillary Clinton has announced she is running for the US Presidency, it is probably a good time to take a broader look at the potential pitfalls of politicians being presented as “feminists.” I don’t dispute that feminism (however defined)…
Republicans Start Hauling Out and Dusting Off Their Borg-like Candidates.
The 2016 Presidential Election is starting out with snail like excitement and colorful shades of gray-toned vibrancy. The Republican Party is beginning to wheel out their musty Presidential hopefuls for the public to gawk at. What is not let out…
Khameini Frustrated: Putin Still Friendzoning Ayatollah (2/2)
Unlike Khomeini-ite Fiqh, TULIP-flavor Calvinism, and other scientific and empirically rigorous political discourses, “nice guy” and “friendzoning” are ideological aberrations that are completely detached from reality. Still, that didn’t stop Khameini giving it to us one last time: I mean,…
Khameini Frustrated: Putin Still Friendzoning Ayatollah (1/2)
Some would say that The Enemies Of Our Glorious Nation™ are quarrelsome folk. (Or if not “enemies of America,” at least the enemies of the non-satire news media and of The International Beltway Community). Still, there is such a thing…