Posted in Politics

Jeff Flake May Return to Senate in 2020

Phoenix, AZ- Recently re-elected Arizona Governor, Doug Ducey (R-AZ), told members of the press on Friday that he would not rule out Jeff Flake (R-AZ) as a possible successor to current stand-in Senator, John Kyl (R-AZ), who took over the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Jeff Flake May Return to Senate in 2020
Conservative Party
Posted in Serious Commentary World News

The Living Death of Theresa May: How Long Can London’s Most Notorious Political Zombie Cling On?

George Osborne notoriously (some would say renownedly!) compared Theresa May to a ‘dead woman walking.’ But it’s worse. It’s far, far worse. People are even comparing her to Anthony Eden, often considered the worst PM in UK history; although Tony…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Living Death of Theresa May: How Long Can London’s Most Notorious Political Zombie Cling On?
Posted in Serious Commentary

Brexit Britain is Easy Fodder for Satirists: but They Should Learn from 18th-Century Masters How to do it Properly Artwork courtesy of Richard LIttler ( Adam J Smith, York St John University If you thought satire was dead in the…

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Posted in Serious Commentary

Broadcasting Rules are Killing Political Satire – Thank Heavens for the Internet Jonathan Pie/YouTube Allaina Kilby, University of Nottingham Political journalists, especially during elections, should provide balanced news coverage of parties and scrutinise each parties’ political agendas to help properly…

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Posted in Serious Commentary

#Revolution: How the Humble Hashtag Changed World Politics Changing the times. Shutterstock Joanna Rozpedowski, Durham University From fashion trends to global events, the hashtag (#) has become the conspicuous symbol of the Twittersphere. What only a decade ago denoted a…

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Posted in Politics Serious Commentary

Power and the Abuse of Language: A Rant by Rashad the Cackler

[The homeless old man, Rashad the Cackler is back with another rant. Enjoy as he spills his guts to passersby on a big city street corner.] *** We’ve got these democratic, capitalistic societies we’re so proud of. That’s how we…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Power and the Abuse of Language: A Rant by Rashad the Cackler
Posted in The Rest

Fun Any Time Of The Year – Specialty Haunted Houses

In the latest craze to hit the horror fan crowd are Haunted Houses designed for very specific groups. Each is tailor made to scare the bone marrow out of their target audience- Gun Nut Horror House- Specially made to scare…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Fun Any Time Of The Year – Specialty Haunted Houses
Posted in Politics World News

Mexican President Elect Proposes Plan to Fund Border Wall Construction

Mexico City, Mexico- Mexico’s President-elect, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, announced plans to fund construction of a border wall separating Mexico and the United States, in a joint press conference with CEOs from online job search websites,, and,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Mexican President Elect Proposes Plan to Fund Border Wall Construction
Posted in Politics

Fourteenth Suspicious Package Discovered… Maybe Copycat

Washington, DC- On Wednesday morning, Federal Investigators confirmed the existence of a fourteenth suspicious package, this time addressed to President Trump, discovered at a mail sorting facility in the DC area over the weekend. Florida resident and Trump supported Cesar…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Fourteenth Suspicious Package Discovered… Maybe Copycat
Posted in Health

SEC Announces Plans for a Human Commodity Trading Market

York, NY – US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Jay Clayton, in a joint press conference with Secretary of Commerce (SOC) Wilber Ross and Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin, announced plans to allow the trading of Human Beings…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! SEC Announces Plans for a Human Commodity Trading Market