American Freedom
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Politics

LOOOOOOOOONG READ! America Plunges into Dystopia… Honest Adolph Volume I!

I hope some of you enjoyed my bizarre and quirky compilation, Chinese Box: to appear on Amazon some time in 2020! For the next three days, we’re going to have a loooooong read: Volumes 1 to 3 of Honest Adolph,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! LOOOOOOOOONG READ! America Plunges into Dystopia… Honest Adolph Volume I!
Posted in Politics World News

Boris Johnson SUPER GAFFE! “Neo-Nazi Terrorists are a Terrible Drain on Our Prison System”

Fiscally responsible coke-ridden cockwomble Boris Johnson has furiously denounced Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘grossly opportunistic and uncompassionate‘ calls for a zero-tolerance approach to white supremacist terrorism.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Boris Johnson SUPER GAFFE! “Neo-Nazi Terrorists are a Terrible Drain on Our Prison System”
Posted in Politics Religionism

NOOOOOO! World’s Philanthropists Mourn Death of Orange Kool Aid Lunatic!😢😢😢😢

After decades of bad PR from a number of the most disreputable celebrities on Earth, America’s best-loved soft drinks company is finally getting rid of their universally beloved mascot. There is one drink, and one drink only, that offers such…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! NOOOOOO! World’s Philanthropists Mourn Death of Orange Kool Aid Lunatic!😢😢😢😢
panopticon surveillance
Posted in Internets Tubes War Zone World News

ISIS SNOWFLAKES ❄️❄️❄️ NO-PLATFORM Mark Zuckerberg & Facebook!!!!!

ISIS 2.0, better than you’ve ever tasted before, recently got a boost from some prominent pre-millennial evangelical apocalypse watchers. But despite these ringing endorsements from America’s top theological enterpreneurs, the self-proclaimed Union of Jihadist Soviet Republics has now faced its…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! ISIS SNOWFLAKES ❄️❄️❄️ NO-PLATFORM Mark Zuckerberg & Facebook!!!!!
Posted in Politics Religionism

“A NEW CYRUS!” Franklin Graham & Top Televangelists Endorse 2nd ISIS Caliph

The recent death of the ISIS caliph has shaken the world! Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is likely to remembered for a long time as a flamboyant and highly controversial figure who is widely known for his alternative music (grand) wizardry and…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “A NEW CYRUS!” Franklin Graham & Top Televangelists Endorse 2nd ISIS Caliph
State of Kentucky
Posted in Politics

SCANDAL! State of Kentucky Approves JOINT CUSTODY of Governor’s Office!

When results came in from the polls this month, the United States had its first case of bipartisan joint custody for a political office, as a way of finally settling a domestic dispute between both of Kentucky’s state governors. And…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! SCANDAL! State of Kentucky Approves JOINT CUSTODY of Governor’s Office!
Posted in Serious Commentary

Devil’s Advocate: Evangelical Derangement Syndrome? In Praise of an Unpraisable Group

Devil’s advocate time, for want of a better choice of words! Now this is going to be quite balanced, so make sure you’re sitting down if you’re reading this. There is a huge tendency to fearmonger about evangelicals in the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Devil’s Advocate: Evangelical Derangement Syndrome? In Praise of an Unpraisable Group
Platypus of Truth
Posted in Serious Commentary

Madness and Outness: A Warlock’s Brew of Bantz an’ Rantz!

A SNARKY MESSAGE TO ALL YOU RACE-OBSESSED WHITE SUPREMACIST NUTBALLS AND SNOWFLAKES OUT THERE😉 All these utterly unhinged white supremacists are spreading hysteria about the supposed threat of a ‘great replacement’ aka ‘white genocide.’ Well, they are being very silly!…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Madness and Outness: A Warlock’s Brew of Bantz an’ Rantz!
jihadism terrorism
Posted in Politics Religionism World News

SAD! ISIS Caliph Wakes up in Hell with 72 Incels… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Crazy cat bachelor and flamboyant Glastonbury fashionista Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has ended with a little spot of bother after splitting hell wide open in Episode II of ‘Quite Possibly Purely FAKE and Imaginary American Terrorist Assassinations.’ GUESS WHAT HAPPENED…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! SAD! ISIS Caliph Wakes up in Hell with 72 Incels… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Posted in Politics

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Female Orthodontists are Tough Lawrence!

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on a recent episode of his program the Last Word, dismissed the President’s veiled reiterated threat of the military, police and Bikers for Trump rising up in force to support him in the event of his removal…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Female Orthodontists are Tough Lawrence!