Category: Society
Putin’s Taking the Piss over Human Rights, but Let’s not Be Too Smug
It turns out that the authoritarian Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has signed a law allowing Russia (or rather, the Russian state!) to avoid following rulings from international human rights courts… Making such rulings subject to the authority of the Constitutional…
Possible Excuses For A Policeman To Shoot A Black Kid In The Back 16 Times.
“It was dark out and he was black. I was just shooting my gun off into the night for fun and he got in the way.” “I can’t count beyond 3.” “I got carpal tunnel from doing so much paperwork…
Sole Survivor of a Flurry of Mass Shootings Opposes Firearms Regulation
Even as the rate of all other gun-related crimes had been decreasing in the United States for decades, the rate of mass shootings had steadily increased as gun show loopholes were found to circumvent bans on assault rifles, mental health…
Conspiracy Theories #2– Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Look At The Internet Again
Conspiracy Theories is the hard hitting website that isn’t afraid to investigate and expose the dark forces that seek to prey in so many devious ways upon the general publicum. We are here because you need us! We are ever…
Open Letter to the ‘Noble Liberals.’ Did Paris Victims Bring it on Themselves? (2/2)
I really don’t know what they found more offensive; a cartoon of their prophet, or people standing around, dancing and singing and loving and having fun? So, there’s your dilemma. If Charlie Hebdo brought it on themselves by unnecessarily ‘causing…
Open Letter to the ‘Noble Liberals.’ Did Paris Victims Bring it on Themselves? (1/2)
After the massacre at Charlie Hebdo, the magazine’s defenders were ridiculed as being ‘freedom of speech fundamentalists.’ The ‘semi-non-apologists’ of Coulibaly assumed the usual attitude: Sure, it’s NOT THAT GREAT to kill someone merely for being a cartoonist… but… OMG,…
New Thanksgiving Holiday Of ‘Gratitude’ Started For Those Who Must Work On The Real Thanksgiving.
In response to the overwhelming growth of Black Friday and its exploitation of the employees who must work in the service industry labor unions, families, certain compassionate government leaders and religious figures have petitioned and won government approval for a…
Tapped Phone Conversation Between Putin and Assad Proves Revealing
The famous expose website Wakileaks (yes, that is spelled correctly) has successfully tapped into a most intriguing phone call between those two most beloved of dictators in the world- Bashar al-Assad and his Grace Vladimir Putin of Russia. We have…
Opinion: Ted Cruz is right. Why We Should Turn Away Refugees
In the wake of the deadly Isis terrorist attacks on Paris which killed 129 people and wounded hundreds more, the issue of whether or not to continue taking in refugees has divided us here in the United States of America,…
The Great Trump’s First Day As President.
Dolly Darling, the President’s Secretary, excitedly and fearfully puts the finishing touches to the Oval Office, the new lair of her boss Donald Trump. He would be here shortly and she knows all too well how critical he is that…