Category: Society
A Cocktail of Journalistic Insights
Dateline: NEW YORK—Make no mistake, journalists drilled down and told a cautionary tale of the bombshell that landed on a dumpster fire in the middle of a firestorm, after the grilling of senators who pivoted to whether they’d reached a…
Who Are The Real Victims of a Female Meritocracy? (3/3)
The meritocracy had matured and grown tired. Rampant self-sacrifice had gone unchecked by the selfish needs of the village women. No one had stopped to consider the consequences. The unfortunates were too busy encouraging their husbands to do the right…
Who Are The Real Victims of a Female Meritocracy? (2/3)
When the second head-on-a-stick showed up a few days later it didn’t have the same jounce as the first one. The holy man tried to whip up the same disquietude he’d enjoyed with the first head-on-a-stick. Everyone went about their…
Who Are The Real Victims of a Female Meritocracy? (1/3)
Dahomey, Africa 1842 The first one appeared in the village; stuck dead center in the communal fire pit, looking frightened and lonely. Staring down at the ground through droopy eyes, it looked as if it was afraid of falling over. The…
A Brief Satirical History of ‘Racism is Prejudice Plus Power’
The prejudice plus power thesis says that if you don’t belong to a racially privileged group, you can’t be racist. Racism, by definition, is something only the racially privileged are capable of. Racism by under-privileged groups doesn’t count, because it…
Cheney’s Hoover Memorial Lecture: ‘We Must Stand Firm Against Paranoid Belligerent Autocrats of Pyongyang’ (2/2)
This is the tail end of Richard ‘Clever Dick’ Cheney’s speech from last time.
Cheney’s Hoover Memorial Lecture: ‘We Must Stand Firm Against Paranoid Belligerent Autocrats of Pyongyang’ (1/2)
Dick Cheney has recently conducted the annual Edgar J. Hoover Memorial Lecture at the Hoover Institute; a notable think tank renowned, among other things, for its publications on foreign policy. Cheney’s speech had a rather mixed reception; however, his discussion…
Sneezing is One Tenth of an Orgasm: Islamic State Make War on Moldy Houses
ISIS and dodgy landlords. One is an evil gang of nefarious gangsters and mafiosi, who give zero fucks about anyone else, and will trample over anyone in their day, doing whatever it takes to expand their evil empire. The other…
Author of “How to Be A Success” Guides Dies a Dismal Failure
Kilroy Kovacs, prolific publisher of the popular “How to Be a Success” guides, has been found dead in his car outside of Peculiar, Missouri. Cause of death has not been determined. Kovacs was the author of two dozen “How to…
Man Unable to Apply a Lifetime’s Research into Self-Improvement, Dies Wholly Unsuccessful in Life
Dateline: NEW YORK CITY—A connoisseur of self-help books has died alone and impoverished after having spent years locked in his apartment, practicing to be a better person. Albert Dunderhead had an impressive collection of self-help manuals, as attested by the…