Posted in Science

Iranian Space Monkey Main Course At Celebration Banquet

Cultural differences took front row this week when the monkey that made Iranian history by being the first living creature that they had successfully propelled into space and back was eaten at the post flight victory celebration. After a lengthy…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Iranian Space Monkey Main Course At Celebration Banquet
Posted in Environment

Arizona to Experience Worst Coastal Flooding in Decades

TEMPE — Meteorologists agree that the storm surge, combined with the seasonal monsoon already covering Arizona, could mean the worst flooding coastal Arizona has seen in more than a generation. “Well we’ve already been seeing rainfall of over one inch…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Arizona to Experience Worst Coastal Flooding in Decades
Posted in Science & Technologizzy

Russian Meteor Actually a Vintage VW Bus

In an experiment that went horribly awry, a piece of space junk fell out of the sky this week and was mistakenly identified as a meteor. It was confirmed that the object that streaked across a part of Russia, causing…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Russian Meteor Actually a Vintage VW Bus
Posted in Science & Technologizzy World News

Iran Cold War w/ Hello Kitty Heats Up, Doll Beats Ahmedinejad into Space

The bitter, age-old conflict between two great super powers, the government of Iran and the government of cuteness (Hello Kitty), reached its zenith ten days ago as the beloved but brave little doll successfully made its way into the history…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Iran Cold War w/ Hello Kitty Heats Up, Doll Beats Ahmedinejad into Space
Posted in Education Environment

PhD Thesis Lists “Yahoo Answers” as Source

MIT has become embroiled in a massive academic scandal after the discovery that one of its PhD students’ thesis utilized Yahoo Answers as a source. Although details are still murky, sources inside the university claim PhD candidate Phillip Kwon inserted…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! PhD Thesis Lists “Yahoo Answers” as Source
Posted in Science Science & Technologizzy

Evolution Wins Prestigious Overachievement Award

Last week, the Humboldt Overachiever Award for Science and the Humanities was given to none other than The Theory of Evolution—and Dr. Richard Dawkins was there to receive the prize in its stead. “In the face of impossible odds,” Dr….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Evolution Wins Prestigious Overachievement Award
Posted in Environment

Kyoto Protocol – What Has It Achieved? (INFOGRAPHIC)

With the Kyoto Protocol’s expiration in 2012, have taken CO2 emissions data from the UN and PBL to assess its impact so far. Sadly, the data shows that while there have been more successes that failures amongst nations with…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Kyoto Protocol – What Has It Achieved? (INFOGRAPHIC)
Posted in Environment

Al Gore’s Carbon Footprint Visible from Space

Spectacular new images of Earth were released by NASA yesterday detailing various aspects of our magnificent blue and green marble. One photo in particular stood out above the rest: a crystal clear shot of billions of carbon molecules in the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Al Gore’s Carbon Footprint Visible from Space
Posted in Environment

Rabbit Too Cute for its Own Good Starting to Annoy Other Forest Animals

Next to a cold gaggling brook, in a small but verdant patch of green, settled serenely in the heart of the North American deciduous forest–the place where that “fresh car smell” is born–lives a baby cottontail rabbit named Booby. And,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Rabbit Too Cute for its Own Good Starting to Annoy Other Forest Animals
Posted in Science Science & Technologizzy

Scientists: Newton, Galileo Psychotic—Textbook Recall Likely

A group of 142 leading scientists and psychiatrists have published an open letter to the world, revealing their conclusions on scientists of years’ past—most notably Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei. The contributors, almost all of them members of the National…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Scientists: Newton, Galileo Psychotic—Textbook Recall Likely