Posted in Environment Religionism

Flood Warnings Issued After God Knocks Back 8 Cans of Miller Lite

INDIANAPOLIS – The national weather service has issued severe flood warnings across most of the Midwest ahead of this weekend, after His Lordship Almighty God went on a Friday night drinking binge. According to heavenly sources, God – hosting a…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Flood Warnings Issued After God Knocks Back 8 Cans of Miller Lite
Posted in Comics Environment

Arbor Day a Real Holiday, Many Celebrate (comic)

It makes sense. All you have to do to honor Arbor Day is plant some trees. It’s the day of trees, after all. Find a good spot with some sunshine, throw down a seedling, call it a day, right? It…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Arbor Day a Real Holiday, Many Celebrate (comic)
Posted in Environment Science & Technologizzy

Tatooine Womp Rat Believed Extinct

Officials with the Tatooine Department of Wildlife announced today that the long imperiled womp rat is believed to be extinct in the wild. At not much bigger than two meters, womp rat numbers declined steadily since human settlement, mostly due…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Tatooine Womp Rat Believed Extinct
Posted in Comics Environment

Stop to Smell the Roses, Sunset, etc. (comic)

Sunsets are pretty, no two ways about it. You have to really stop and take them in. Watch the hues shift, take in the deep colors as they melt across the sky… but there’s more to it. They’re red aren’t…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Stop to Smell the Roses, Sunset, etc. (comic)
Posted in Comics Environment

Why is Spring so Dangerous for Dandelions (comic)

Obviously rain showers for spring flowers whatever, I’m sure there’s an axiom in there, but why are the common yard scourge the Dandelion so dangerous, especially in Spring, and why am I asking this is such elusive ways? Click on…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Why is Spring so Dangerous for Dandelions (comic)
Posted in Comics Environment

Johnny Appleseed’s True Legacy Revealed (comic)

We all learned the story of Johnny Appleseed as children, and for some reason we were taught that he was a great and noble man. He did charitable works, but that’s hardly the whole story. As this comic points out,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Johnny Appleseed’s True Legacy Revealed (comic)
Posted in Environment

Tornado Causes Widespread Improvement Across Central Indiana

ANDERSON – A violent tornado that ripped through the heartland of America yesterday has left thousands of damaged homes looking slightly better than they did before the catastrophe. A level-3 warning was issued on Monday ahead of projected storms and…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Tornado Causes Widespread Improvement Across Central Indiana
Posted in Environment

Melting Glaciers Making “Really Nice” Ice Cubes for Inuits

GREENLAND–Last year, a melting glacier known as the Petermann glacier calved off a sizable chunk of ice approximately twice the size of Manhattan. And the Inuit couldn’t be happier. Apparently, the Greenlandic natives have been benefiting from global warming trends…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Melting Glaciers Making “Really Nice” Ice Cubes for Inuits
Posted in Environment

Wild West, Non-Wisconsin Weinie Winters

Anyone who has spent any time in Colorado or any western ski resort areas has noticed the high density of Wisconsiners living there (to avoid any violent misunderstandings and to remain socially correct, by ‘high density’ I am referring to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Wild West, Non-Wisconsin Weinie Winters
Posted in Environment Science & Technologizzy

NASA Scientists Warn; More Asteroids, Comets and Meteors On The Way to Destroy Earth

NASA scientists have revealed that the recent meteor explosion in Russia, the flyby of asteroid 212 DA 124, the strange meteor shower over Florida and the mysterious fireball spotted over southern California are simply precursors of the devastation yet to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! NASA Scientists Warn; More Asteroids, Comets and Meteors On The Way to Destroy Earth