Posted in Making Headlines

Palin Out of News-Cycle for 72-Hours, Wingnuts Despondent

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Palin Out of News-Cycle for 72-Hours, Wingnuts Despondent
Posted in News In Your Briefs

FOX News Blasts Obama for Failure to Stop Qur’an Roast

In perhaps their greatest show of partisan hackery, the pundit collective of FOX News this morning went on offensive against President Obama for his failure to use military force in stopping the radical Christian church in Florida from burning sacred…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! FOX News Blasts Obama for Failure to Stop Qur’an Roast
Posted in News In Your Briefs

“Fast for Annorexia” March Seen as Self-Serving

Thousands descended on the National Mall, but none felt as snubbed as the local D.C. vendors. By the days end, despite more than 87,000 in attendance, sales were lackluster at best. “I haven’t sold a single sausage,” said Sal the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Fast for Annorexia” March Seen as Self-Serving
Posted in Making Headlines

Baby May Be Brittney Spears’ Areola by Age Three, Thanks to Linday Lohan Rehab Scandal

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Baby May Be Brittney Spears’ Areola by Age Three, Thanks to Linday Lohan Rehab Scandal
Posted in Making Headlines

Habitual Self-Pleasurer Admits What He Likes About Playboy’s Kendra


WTF?! Click now to find out more! Habitual Self-Pleasurer Admits What He Likes About Playboy’s Kendra
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Travel

Newsweek Purchased by Finnish Tourism Dept for $1

Finland, that land of perpetual daytime, when it isn’t night 24 hours a day — known for snow, reindeer, hot tubs, saunas and, I guess, other things, was in the news this last week. In a story that barely made…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Newsweek Purchased by Finnish Tourism Dept for $1
Posted in News In Your Briefs

Newlyweds Disappointed by “Oral Expectation” Gap

Sarah and Ted Jgorksen of Providence, Rhode Island dated for almost two years before tying the knot last Sunday in a small traditional wedding held in the Elmhurst neighborhood. While Ted assumed the $5,200 diamond solitaire would ensure a lifetime…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Newlyweds Disappointed by “Oral Expectation” Gap
Posted in Human Interest Strange People

Boston Rave “Mystery Pills” Found to be Bathtub Sponge Toys

Last Saturday, over a dozen “rave” party-goers were taken to hospital in the Boston suburb of Cambridge. The ostensible culprit was “bad ecstasy”, but the pills, sold for $25 to $35 each, turned out to be nothing more than novelty…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Boston Rave “Mystery Pills” Found to be Bathtub Sponge Toys
Posted in Politics

GOP Encourages Biden to Continue Speaking Publicly, Markets Plunge

In further evidence that the GOP is an enemy of the American people, gaffe-prone Biden was encouraged to continue speaking after a series of horrific and embarrassing introductory remarks Thursday at an NRAACPA meeting, leading to further verbal and financial…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GOP Encourages Biden to Continue Speaking Publicly, Markets Plunge
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Politics

Palin Stealth-Launches 2018 Campaign w/ Tween Biography

It seems Sarah Palin is looking to expand her approval among likely voters by looking in an unlikely place; the not-too-distant future. If she can dominate the emerging evangelist demographic, it may be enough to just push the vote, and…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Palin Stealth-Launches 2018 Campaign w/ Tween Biography