Posted in Politics Top Stories War Zone

Obama So Good at Failing Wars, Wins Nobel Peace Prize

President Barack Obama looks to be in a bit of a pickle – regardless of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for being top dog of the world’s most belligerent nation – next to Israel. If he doesn’t sanction the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Obama So Good at Failing Wars, Wins Nobel Peace Prize
Posted in Top Stories War Zone World News

IAEA Chief: Israel the Real Rogue Nuclear State

The top nuclear inspector at the UN told reporters from the Warmongers Gazette he does not believe that Iran is a threat to Middle Eastern peace and stability but conversely claims that Israel is the number one menace due its…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! IAEA Chief: Israel the Real Rogue Nuclear State
Posted in War Zone

US Paranoid Over Iran’s “World Ending” Nuke Programme

Iran concealed a fully operational second uranium enrichment plant in defiance of Israeli-led calls for transparency over its nuclear plans, according to the perjurious Zionist stooge President Barack “Barky O’Barmy” Obama. A group of sycophantic spokesmen for the US, UK…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! US Paranoid Over Iran’s “World Ending” Nuke Programme
Posted in War Zone

Ungrateful Iraqis “Don’t Appreciate” US Invasion

The US House Overshite Committee on International Ethnic Cleansing, Human Wrongs and Justifiable Genocide met today in Washington to discuss issues of sovereignty and stability in Iraq and the country’s longstanding financial obligation of reimbursing the US-led coalition nation forces…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Ungrateful Iraqis “Don’t Appreciate” US Invasion
Posted in Kidz Zone War Zone

Brownie Guides Now Terrorist Suspects

Two Smegmadale Police Community Support Officers are under investigation after they allegedly stopped and searched a six-year-old Pakistani Muslim girl using their unconstitutional anti-terrorism powers as an excuse for harassing behaviour that stinks of racism.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Brownie Guides Now Terrorist Suspects
Posted in War Zone

Top Dog US General: Afghan War is FUBAR

The commanding US general in Afghanistan has called for a revised military strategy, suggesting the current one is totally Fubar. In a top secret strategic assessment sent to the US Central Command – endorsed with a bright red “Eyes Only…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Top Dog US General: Afghan War is FUBAR
Posted in Gadgets & Gizmos War Zone

iPhone Explodes in Ossetia – Millions Feared Dead

French consumer groups are investigating a disturbing bout of recent reports concerning iPhone 3GS models that have exploded or burst into flames spontaneously.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! iPhone Explodes in Ossetia – Millions Feared Dead
Posted in Politics Top Stories War Zone

CIA Tape Shocker: Pelosi in Bed with Reid, Murtha

Washington — In an escalation of the conflict between the Central Intelligence Agency and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a CIA source has provided the New York Times a tape of what he maintains is a July 2007 meeting attended by…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! CIA Tape Shocker: Pelosi in Bed with Reid, Murtha
Posted in Politics War Zone

Biden Real Hero of Somali Pirate Standoff

In an interview with the Washington Post today, Vice President Joe Biden took credit for resolving the USS Bainbridge-Somali pirate standoff last April.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Biden Real Hero of Somali Pirate Standoff
Posted in War Zone World News

Administration to Pre-empt Iran by Nuking Israel First

Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward has released another transcript of a recent White House strategy session, this one devoted to the looming Iran-Israel confrontation.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Administration to Pre-empt Iran by Nuking Israel First