Posted in Politics

Making Law like Sausages

October 8th’s release of the “Billy Bush Tapes” couldn’t stop a Republican avalanche exactly one month later. The Republicans maintained their decided advantage in both the US House and Senate. Donald Trump snuck out an electoral college win and put…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Making Law like Sausages
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Warning: You may already be exposed to T.R.U.M.P. Disorder

Over the past 18 months a previously unknown but highly dangerous psychiatric disorder has spread across the entire United States. It is now considered by medical experts to be our nation’s most nefarious mental health problem. This malady’s scientific name…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Warning: You may already be exposed to T.R.U.M.P. Disorder
Posted in Politics

Fifteen Signs Your Husband is Thinking of Voting Republican

l) “The Art of the Deal” is the first item on his Amazon wish list. 2) He’s changed his password to “BigHands.” 3) The bumper sticker on his car says WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR HONOR STUDENT? I LOVE THE UNEDUCATED.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Fifteen Signs Your Husband is Thinking of Voting Republican
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Butthurt DNC Idiots Decide to Sue 2016

After watching John Oliver’s ‘Fuck you 2016’ Skit, DNC ‘Ideas Man’ John Podesta decided it wasn’t good enough to just sit and unconstructively rant about 2016. Politics is not about mere sentiment, but about practical reality. Why don’t we sue…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Butthurt DNC Idiots Decide to Sue 2016
Posted in Politics

The Machiavellian Guide To Becoming President

The Machiavellian Guide To Becoming President (as channeled from the nether worlds to his humble servants Donald Trump and rfreed) Note to the historically impaired – Niccolò Machiavelli was a 15th century historian, writer and politician who emphasized using the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Machiavellian Guide To Becoming President
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Dynasty’s End? The ‘Annus Horribilis’ of Hill & Bill Clinton

One of the many unfortunate outcomes of 2016 is the denial of influence rendered to one Bill Clinton. Riding #IMWITHHER were many odd bedfellows. The Clinton Foundation, and her sister Clinton Global Initiative, had raised untold millions, right up until Election Day,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Dynasty’s End? The ‘Annus Horribilis’ of Hill & Bill Clinton
Posted in Politics

Hillary Wears Pantsuit to Beaver Shot Showdown

Hillary was once again embarrassed by a Trump. But this time it was Melania. The gamey Mrs. Clinton accepted the challenge but was woefully unprepared to compete with the lovely Mrs. Trump who was dressed in a beautiful ensemble of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hillary Wears Pantsuit to Beaver Shot Showdown
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Politics World News

U.S. Establishes Ministry of Truth to Combat Fake News

WASHINGTON – In response to the growing epidemic of “fake news,” President Obama today announced the creation of a new department of the federal government, the Ministry of Truth.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! U.S. Establishes Ministry of Truth to Combat Fake News
Posted in Top Stories World News

12 Exciting 2017 News Snippets You Definitely Won’t Have Seen Yet: (Or Believed) (2/2)

Jess Phillips Stabs Jeremy Corbyn in the Front! Like, LITERALLY, duuuuuuuuuude! Phillips Outraged at Subsequent Wildly Disproportionate Twitter Harassment Moderate Khameine-ite Ayatollah Legitimizes Reverse Chickengirl Position for Some Edgier Farmyard Fun Alex Jones Joins Washington Post, Furnishes Numerous Useful Insights…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 12 Exciting 2017 News Snippets You Definitely Won’t Have Seen Yet: (Or Believed) (2/2)
Posted in Health Politics

Jonathan Mitchell: Reflections Before the Election

NOTE FROM WALLACE: This note was penned by Jonathan Mitchell, prominent autism advocate, before the recent US election result. I think this piece is of good historical interest, as it captures some of the uncertainty and anxiety in the air…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Jonathan Mitchell: Reflections Before the Election