Posted in Entertainment General Interest

The Real Life of Jake from State Farm (Plus your other favorites on TV)

Jake From State Farm It was 2 o’clock in the morning when I awoke to the phone ringing. It was Jake from State Farm, who I had told to never call me at home. I hurried into the other room….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Real Life of Jake from State Farm (Plus your other favorites on TV)
Posted in Making Headlines Top Stories

Justice Kavanaugh Accidentally Leaked Controversial Draft of Abortion Decision

Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh accidentally leaked the explosive draft of a Supreme Court decision that would end the Constitutional right to abortion, an investigation by Fox News revealed. Liberals pounced on the report to show they were not to blame…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Justice Kavanaugh Accidentally Leaked Controversial Draft of Abortion Decision
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Politics Top Stories

Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin Is Running for Congress (“Ya betcha I’ll win,” ex-Alaska governor says as she lays out her platform)

Hiya Folks!–Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin comin’ at ya from my hometown of Wasilla in the great state of Alaska. Case ya’all didn’t hear, I’m runnin’ for the U.S. Congress to wipe out those Libs and Commies ruinin’ our country. And I…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Mama Grizzly Sarah Palin Is Running for Congress (“Ya betcha I’ll win,” ex-Alaska governor says as she lays out her platform)
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Top Stories

Vladimir Putin–The Dictators’ Dictator (He’s One Mean Dude and Proud of It)

Hey Comrades, Vladimir Putin here. I’m in the Kremlin sitting at my 20-foot-long table far away from my sniveling, simpering bunch of lapdogs and lackeys as I set about on my conquest of the world. Yes Siree Bob, I’m the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Vladimir Putin–The Dictators’ Dictator (He’s One Mean Dude and Proud of It)
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Sports Top Stories

Heavyweight Chris Rock/Will Smith Oscar Bout: 30 Other Potential Blockbuster Hollywood Ring Meetings

— Javier Bardem vs. Nicole Kidman     [The Ricardos really go at it] — Martin Sheen vs. Ronald Reagan    [The liberal and conservative both played Presidents] — Brad Pitt vs. Billy Bob Thornton   [A JOLIE match for the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Heavyweight Chris Rock/Will Smith Oscar Bout: 30 Other Potential Blockbuster Hollywood Ring Meetings
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Top Stories

Majorie Taylor Green (MJT) and her Lover Accused of Bestiality

Washington, DC (AP). In an article published in  the Journal of Animal Ethics (JAE), MJT and her veterinarian lover have been accused of being “bestophiles.” Reminiscent of the “compromat” speculation surrounding Donald Trump’s toady like support and bromance with Vladimir Putin, similar allegations are…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Majorie Taylor Green (MJT) and her Lover Accused of Bestiality
Posted in Entertainment Health Making Headlines Politics

On The First Day of Christmas — Lyrics for Our Time: Stuff This in Your Stocking, My Rightist Love!

On the first day of Christmas, my rightist love sent me A “Live Free” Anti-Vaxx Tee. On the second day of Christmas, my rightist love sent me Two Shredded Masks And a “Live Free” Anti-Vaxx Tee. On the third day…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! On The First Day of Christmas — Lyrics for Our Time: Stuff This in Your Stocking, My Rightist Love!
Posted in Entertainment General Interest Top Stories

Christmas Gifts You Probably Haven’t Thought Of For Good Reason, Probably

Well, it’s that time of the year again, where people and parents everywhere are scrambling to get just the right gift for people on their list. That’s when they realize that they can’t afford just the right gift, so most…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Christmas Gifts You Probably Haven’t Thought Of For Good Reason, Probably
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Expose: Russia’s NFL Interception of ‘16 Election;

Fumble at Goal Line in ‘20 Replay With the NFL starting again, it’s a perfect time to look back on last year’s strange season that dealt with the original outbreak of the pandemic and a divisive political landscape. At Glossy…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Expose: Russia’s NFL Interception of ‘16 Election;
Posted in Entertainment

The Temporary Battle of Gettysburg Ball Room Memorial for MAGA WARRIOR DEAD (Ashli Babbit)

FOUR YEARS  I scored when I decsencended the Gold Escalator. Right? I came down the Golden Dscalator. Very historticl. When was it? What year did it happen? Jared? He’s not getting enough sleep. Melania – how would she know? 2015! She was…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Temporary Battle of Gettysburg Ball Room Memorial for MAGA WARRIOR DEAD (Ashli Babbit)