Posted in Internets Tubes Politics

Latest Populist Policies Carrying Trump to Victory (2/2)

4. BAN STUPID MUSIC FROM CLUBS!!!  Why can’t we just have the clubs play proper music that you can actually dance and sing to? Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, I mean, hell, even Creedence Clearwater Revival, just throwing that one out there!…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Latest Populist Policies Carrying Trump to Victory (2/2)
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Latest Populist Policies Carrying Trump to Victory (1/2)

The Trump is on a roll. For, as even George W Bush himself admits: ‘The unstoppable rise of Donald Trump looks pretty much unstoppable by now!’ But how has Trump managed to maintain momentum? Well, here are a few contentious…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Latest Populist Policies Carrying Trump to Victory (1/2)
Posted in Politics Strange People

The Great Trump’s First Day As President.

Dolly Darling, the President’s Secretary, excitedly and fearfully puts the finishing touches to the Oval Office, the new lair of her boss Donald Trump. He would be here shortly and she knows all too well how critical he is that…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Great Trump’s First Day As President.
Posted in Politics Strange People

Trump Riled He’s Not on Anon’s KKK List

Presidential hopeful and media prostitute Donald Trump took to Twitter Thursday evening, erupting at not being included in the Hacktivist organization Anonymous’ KKK list. The billionaire Trump, whose campaign has revolved around deporting over 11 million illegal aliens if he’s…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Riled He’s Not on Anon’s KKK List
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Politics

Donald Trump Thanks Glossy News for Our Unwavering Support

I recently did my bit for Donald Trump on The Spoof. But I’m continuing to support him by reprinting my article here! You’ll see in a moment why I’m doing this 😉 Donald Trump has recently expressed his heartfelt gratitude…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Donald Trump Thanks Glossy News for Our Unwavering Support
Posted in Politics Strange People

Trumpenstein Horror Now Threatens Republicans

A Rathskeller deep in the forested woods. Night has drawn its blackest curtain across the outer world, blocking out even the niggardly light from the stars. Rain hammers against the windows and lightning cackles in the air. A troupe of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpenstein Horror Now Threatens Republicans
Posted in Politics Strange People

Hey Kids: Make Your Own ‘Trump for President’ Bumper Stickers

Hey Kids! Have Some Fun Cutting Out These ‘Trump For President’ Bumper Stickers!!! Here is what you need for a little summer fun! Just print off these patriotic bumper stickers, snitch a pair of scissors and some glue from your…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hey Kids: Make Your Own ‘Trump for President’ Bumper Stickers
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Politics

Trump Slams Romney’s Pretentious ‘Business People’ Book (2/2)

Last time: But yes, HOSTILE TAKEOVERS ARE A BIG PROBLEM IN THE BUSINESS WORLD… Not least because they can risk utterly destroying the personal reputation, or worse still, the business reputation of the person undertaking the purported hostile takeover in…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Slams Romney’s Pretentious ‘Business People’ Book (2/2)
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Politics

Trump Slams Romney’s Pretentious ‘Business People’ Book (1/2)

Mitt Romney has released a new highly lucrative and highly non-ghostwritten handbook for businesspersons and 2016 GOP election frontrunners (insofar as there is a difference). The text of Business People is made up of three very informed and erudite chapters:…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Slams Romney’s Pretentious ‘Business People’ Book (1/2)
Posted in Strange People

Donald Trump’s War Record

After Donald Trump’s scathing attack on Senator John McCain’s war record the Investigation’s Department here at Glossy News did a little digging into Trump’s own military record. It turns out that the great Donald also has a legacy of war…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Donald Trump’s War Record