Posted in Politics Top Stories

As Though You Haven’t Seen Enough Trump Trashing Already – Here Are More Trump Memes

Repeat after me: We got so many memes you’ll be sick of meme-ing. Read the following memes. We got so many memes you’ll be sick of meme-ing Are you bored yet? We got so many memes you’ll be sick of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! As Though You Haven’t Seen Enough Trump Trashing Already – Here Are More Trump Memes
Posted in Top Stories

CNN to Issue Trigger Warnings before Trump Appearances

NEW YORK – CNN today announced its new policy of issuing trigger warnings before showing the face of President Donald Trump to viewing audiences.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! CNN to Issue Trigger Warnings before Trump Appearances
Posted in Politics Top Stories

President Trump Trashes Oval Office

White House sources have confirmed that President Trump has caused considerable damage to the Oval Office. ‘He turned over tables,’ reported one source, ‘upended chairs, ripped curtaining and threw paintings out of smashed windows onto the White House lawn.’ ‘He…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! President Trump Trashes Oval Office
Posted in Health Politics

Psychiatrists Reach Opposite Conclusions About President Trump’s Mental Health

Dateline: NEW YORK CITY—On Monday, Feb 15, the New York Times published a letter signed by 37 psychiatrists who expressed severe doubts about President Trump’s mental health. Trump “appears to have had the fragile mind of a two-year old implanted…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Psychiatrists Reach Opposite Conclusions About President Trump’s Mental Health
Posted in Serious Commentary

Immigration- For Once I Actually Agree With Something Trump Says.

Strange days indeed!- I actually agree with Trump on something. First off, build that damn wall!!!!! 11 million Hispanics are living illegally in the U.S. and they have the cheek to insist that they are justified in doing so? Wrong!…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Immigration- For Once I Actually Agree With Something Trump Says.
Posted in Top Stories

Open letter to Donald Trump on Neurodiversity

NOTE FROM WALLACE: Republished with the permission of the author. January 20, 2017 Dear Mr. President:

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Open letter to Donald Trump on Neurodiversity
Posted in Internets Tubes Politics Science

Donald Trump Proves Existence of the Multiverse

In a groundbreaking pronouncement, the International Forum of Theoretical Physicists today stated that Donald Trump’s election confirmed the existence of the multiverse. At a press conference held at the National Academy of Sciences, Belinda Suarez, IFTP’s executive director, declared that…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Donald Trump Proves Existence of the Multiverse
Posted in Top Stories

Sign on Trump’s Lapel Provides Running Tally of his Lies

President Trump’s staff fastened a digital sign to Trump’s lapel whenever Trump has been set to speak to the media, to stop reporters from having to flail about, guessing whether the president is lying. “It started because I got annoyed…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sign on Trump’s Lapel Provides Running Tally of his Lies
Posted in Politics

Trump Orders Obama’s Presidency be Stricken from the Historical Record

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C. (Crazy Town)–President Trump signed an executive order, commanding that every sign be erased, that Barack Obama had been president. Trump ordered the military to destroy everything from stamps bearing Obama’s facial likeness, to news recordings of Obama’s…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Orders Obama’s Presidency be Stricken from the Historical Record
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Hot Off the Press: Donald Trump Sex Scandal (& First Executive Order)

Immediately following his inauguration, President Donald J. Trump issued his first executive order; demanding records from AT&T, Comcast and other Internet Service Providers for anyone who has ever googled naked pictures of Melania Trump.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hot Off the Press: Donald Trump Sex Scandal (& First Executive Order)