Posted in Politics Top Stories

Opinion: The Hidden Benefits of Trumps Proposed Birthright Citizenship Policy

Washington, DC- On Tuesday, President Donald Trump turned up the volume on his immigration rhetoric and left his fellow Republicans holding a big bag of shit, after he announced “plans” to amend the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment, by…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Opinion: The Hidden Benefits of Trumps Proposed Birthright Citizenship Policy
Posted in Politics

Trump Voters Smarter than Liberals, Study Shows

Dateline: D.C.—The Machiavelli Institute of Political Pseudoscience shocked the world when it revealed the results of its study that compared the intelligence level of President Trump’s diehard supporters to that of his critics on the left and the right, including…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Voters Smarter than Liberals, Study Shows
Posted in Internets Tubes Politics

Trump Waited to ‘See What Happened.’ He Didn’t Like What Happened Next! Click Here to See the Cartoon!

NOTE FROM WALLACE (AND DON’T FORGET TO CLICK BELOW FOR THE FUNNY TRUMP CARTOON!): Flamboyantly controversial US President Donald J. Trump is fond of ending a public conversation with a certain enigmatic phrase of his… ‘We’ll see what happens.’ Is…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Waited to ‘See What Happened.’ He Didn’t Like What Happened Next! Click Here to See the Cartoon!
Posted in Politics

More HILARIOUS Trump Cartoons! Share ‘Em Now!

Brap brap! More funny cartoons from Up Chuck! Be sure to share ’em… It really helps our Google juice! — Wallace BUSINESS AS USUAL! The Donald finds himself with a tricky task… GOING TO WORK!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! More HILARIOUS Trump Cartoons! Share ‘Em Now!
Posted in Top Stories World News

NEW Trump Cartoons! Definitely NOT Fake News! (Or Counterfeit Pictures!)

Welcome to our funny new Cartoonist, Up Chuck! First of all, we have an important question: Can a Narcissist Ever Get the Love he Needs?!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! NEW Trump Cartoons! Definitely NOT Fake News! (Or Counterfeit Pictures!)
Posted in Politics

The Great American Novel Has Finally Been Written! Which of Trump’s New Books Is It?

Getting ready for the day he leaves office, (which might not be far away), President-Select Trump has a whole host of ghost-written books all ready for publication to make sure he stays in the public spotlight long after the Oval…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Great American Novel Has Finally Been Written! Which of Trump’s New Books Is It?
Posted in Politics War Zone

Trump Launches EXTRAORDINARY Expletive-Ridden John McCain Rant.

Universally admired (and hated) celebrity Twitter troll Donald J. Trump has just made an extraordinary online attack on known war hero and suspected warmonger John McCain (wait, did I get that one the right way round?!) Key Twitter highlights go…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Launches EXTRAORDINARY Expletive-Ridden John McCain Rant.
Posted in Strange People

Have A Trump-Free Day!

It is time to institute a new holiday into our already heavily laden days-off agenda. (Our brethren government employees always want more excuses for days off!) With the sudden stress that has seized the nerves of our entire nation due…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Have A Trump-Free Day!
Posted in Education World News

OMG! World’s Logic Scholars Left Reeling in Mass Suicide: Donald Trump Makes ‘Impossible Discovery!’

Since the days of Aristotle, logic has been considered a cornerstone of civilisation. Logicians have been highly respected (and despised) scholars, and while nobody particularly likes them, their intellectual credentials have generally been considered second to none. Despite the cavils…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! OMG! World’s Logic Scholars Left Reeling in Mass Suicide: Donald Trump Makes ‘Impossible Discovery!’
Posted in Politics

G7 Leaders Remind President Trump How American Economic Imperialism Works

Dateline: CHARLEVOIX, QUEBEC—President Trump’s imposing of tariffs against America’s allies, Canada, Mexico, and the EU, has put these allies in the awkward position of having to remind Mr. Trump that the international system of economic regulations was put in place…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! G7 Leaders Remind President Trump How American Economic Imperialism Works