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From the desk of the Cood Day TOTed President Donald John TRUMP!

Yesterday morning I ordered all federal state and local Republican Politicians to kill themselves by sticking a shotgun in their mouths and pulling the trigger where their FAMILIES CAN FIND THEM! There nothing but gutless coward Rinos!! SO WHAT I…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! From the desk of the Cood Day TOTed President Donald John TRUMP!
Posted in Entertainment Politics Top Stories

Ivanka Trump Launches ‘Vanka’s Pop-Up Elite Ultra-Right Insurrection

While ex-president and self-declared greatest man that ever lived, DonaldTrump, sulks and skulks in his palatial Florida mansion, his favourite wife /daughter, Ivanka, has yet again astounded the world with her insatiable greed.Her ability to prize cash from the super-rich…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Ivanka Trump Launches ‘Vanka’s Pop-Up Elite Ultra-Right Insurrection
Posted in Entertainment

Have you ever heard of the Trumps?

SLUDGE INTERNET NEWS              January 25, 2031 “Have you ever heard of the Trumps?” Gene, my editor, blew his stack when I asked to write a story about them. “Who wants to read about a couple of rednecks living in…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Have you ever heard of the Trumps?
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Top Stories

Trump Summarizes Selected Works of Shakespeare

Hamlet This is the story of a king, a great king, who was doing a marvelous job running his country. Until a very bad, very disgraceful person put a stop to it. His name was Claudius, and the whack job…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Summarizes Selected Works of Shakespeare
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Trump Pardons Unabomber

Florida, 9amIn a move certain to appeal to his base, Donald Trump has issued an official Presidential pardon to “Mathematical Genius” Ted Kaczynsky. “I give a full pardon to Ted, unfairly labelled a Unabomber by the fake news media. I know…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Pardons Unabomber
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Politics Top Stories

BREAKING: Trump Social Media Blackout Reaches 100% As OnlyFans Issues The President LIFETIME BAN

Internet sex work giant, subscription service, and simp-haven OnlyFans has permanently banned President Trump from utilizing its website. In a statement released on January 9th, the company wrote, “In light of the recent railing of our precious democracy by rioters,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! BREAKING: Trump Social Media Blackout Reaches 100% As OnlyFans Issues The President LIFETIME BAN
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Politics Top Stories

Trump Uses Taxpayer’s Money to Pay for His Latest Portrait

It was revealed today that the outgoing self-proclaimed greatest ever American president, Donald Trump, has spent $2bn of US taxpayers’ money on a portrait of himself. The portrait was commissioned yesterday evening and was completed within fifteen minutes by New…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Uses Taxpayer’s Money to Pay for His Latest Portrait
Posted in Entertainment Making Headlines Politics Top Stories

Ivanka Trump Opens New Pop-Up Celebrity Covid Vaccination Clinic

News that the ex-president’s wife / daughter, Ivanka, has jumped on the Covid bandwagon to make a fast buck from it came as no surprise to the hastily assembled press pack summoned to The White House this morning. Instead of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Ivanka Trump Opens New Pop-Up Celebrity Covid Vaccination Clinic
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Satan Buys Pardon from Trump for $8bn

In a ‘not very surprising’ move it was revealed today that outgoing president and all-round shithouse Donald Trump has agreed to issue the devil with a presidential pardon.  The full and complete pardon will be rushed through ahead of Trump’s…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Satan Buys Pardon from Trump for $8bn
Posted in Comics Entertainment Politics

Trump to Take Starring Role in New Marvel Movie ‘The Incredible Sulk’

Those that lie awake at night worrying about what will happen to Donald Trump when he is dragged kicking and screaming from The White House in January can at last get some shut eye. A spokesperson for Walt Disney Studios,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump to Take Starring Role in New Marvel Movie ‘The Incredible Sulk’