Donald Trump
Posted in Politics


After escaping decapitation, King Donald twirled around his country like a crazed ballerina.  He shrieked victory from town to town accompanied by Adam Schiff howling in a cage. Lord of the Stool Steve Miller administered electric shocks to the former…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! TRUMP BLEATS VICTORY!
Posted in Politics

GUESS WHO’S BACK! Trumpisms 5.0

114 Sign on White House door: Gone fission. Be back tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow. 115 Definition of nuclear retaliation — the morning after pill. Guaranteed to prevent pregnancy. Every pregnancy. 116 “It’s falling! It’s falling!” “What?” asked Trump….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GUESS WHO’S BACK! Trumpisms 5.0
donald trump
Posted in Politics World News

Trump Rushed to Walter Reed for Hand Trauma

rump had suffered multiple paper cuts from his rage induced efforts to tear up old Nancy Pelosi speeches that he demanded his staff find for him after his State of the Union delivery.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump Rushed to Walter Reed for Hand Trauma
trump scandal
Posted in Politics Society

Trump & Biden Fans Provide Amazing Tinder Guide for Pros!

Unhinged randy Kool Aid bandits Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden have decided to bury their proverbial/Freudian hatchets, although probably not in each others backs at least! Here is their hysterically intelligent and flamboyantly hi-energy guide to Tinder seduction. No…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trump & Biden Fans Provide Amazing Tinder Guide for Pros!
Posted in Politics Serious Commentary

Tyrant Rising… Trump Primes Little Red Button on America’s Minorities!

There is a common tendency to misguidedly give Trump the benefit of the doubt on gender and sexual minorities (GSM), as some people think he is simply going to curb the worst excesses of minority activism (like giving 5 year…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Tyrant Rising… Trump Primes Little Red Button on America’s Minorities!
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Senate Stunner: 100 Senators Recuse Themselves From Jury Duty In Trump’s Impeachment Trial

“I fell on the Brett Kavanaugh sword for this administration, and it has gained me nothing. My centrist image has been irreparably tarnished, and for the first time in my career, I feel very uncertain about my election prospects this year, and in the future. I’m done with these Culture Wars and purity tests. I’ll defer to the opinions of the Chief Justice and let him decide.  I’m sitting this one out.”

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Senate Stunner: 100 Senators Recuse Themselves From Jury Duty In Trump’s Impeachment Trial
Posted in Politics Serious Commentary

REPUBLICANS: Trump Does NOT Care About Abortion. PERIOD!

Wake up, Republicans and religious people. Don’t take things at face value. This is bait: you are being bribed.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! REPUBLICANS: Trump Does NOT Care About Abortion. PERIOD!
Posted in Politics

Trumpisms 4.0: Have We Had Enough Yet?!

93 When Melania gave Donnie a book for Christmas, He put it in the oven. He explained, “I cook all my books.”

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 4.0: Have We Had Enough Yet?!
Posted in Politics

Exclusive! Hacked Email Reveals Origins of Trump’s Tweets

Glossy News has exclusively obtained a confidential email sent by White House intern ……………… to his mother, which discloses the genesis of the President’s insults

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Exclusive! Hacked Email Reveals Origins of Trump’s Tweets
Posted in Politics

Church of Scientology Offer Asylum to (Former) President Trump

Meth-guzzling 60s psychedelic lunatics and dollar-loving all-American Kool Aid hustlers the “Church” of Scientology have show solidarity with fellow deranged plutocrat Donald J. Trump, and offered him refuge from political persecution.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Church of Scientology Offer Asylum to (Former) President Trump