Category: Religionism
“Patronising Liberal Pastor” Calls Jesus “Inspiring”
Last time, I reminded you how much a certain kind of patronising crap about “inspirational” underdogs and under-non-dogs is now big business. Well, now it’s even infected kinda-normal-and-sensible-within-reason religious circles™. That’s right; worshipers at a somewhat moderate/mainline Church™ in Colorado…
God: “Stephen Hawking does not exist”
DATELINE: HEAVEN – In response to Dr. Stephen Hawking’s confirmation of his atheism this week, the Christian deity and almighty creator Yahweh announced that the universe’s existence could be explained without the need for a Stephen Hawking. “Following peer-reviewed religious…
Perry/Santorum Article: Non-apology, Disclaimer, Invitation
Santorum “living a lie all these years?” This quotation, straight from the consummately straight-talking lips of Santorum himself, has somehow angered a crapload of irritable and highly-strung socialists™ who (charitably calculated) have only half-read my article on Rick Perry receiving…
Perry/Santorum: Top Papal Award, Christian Fakers Annihilated
Oh-so-conspicuously unashamed Christian, Rick Perry, is not actually painfully, embarrassingly, and conspicuously unashamed today; just plain-ol’-vanilla-grindin’ embarrassed. Pope Francis has accidentally made Perry a Papal Knight, instead of the similarly-monikered Rick Santorum. But far from being flattered, Perry is distinctly…
A Psalm for the Tea Party
1) The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want–to talk to liberals. 2) He maketh me lie down in untaxed green pastures: he leadeth me to the clear waters of pro-Gun states where I can shoot deer or thieves…
Vatican Wafer Gate
Wikileaks has done it again. The release of 3.4 billion database searchable electronic records is reverberating around the Internet with many new stunning revelations. The latest to be revealed is a series of directives between the US and the Vatican….
Santorum’s Untimely September Crusade Against Wal-Mart
OK, I know the following article seems pretty anachronistic (in more ways than one, maybe). Still, if politicians make “untimely interventions” in issues that are more safely consigned to a different part of the calendar, it’s not my fault. Yes,…
Another Dalai Lama Gaffe: Heroin-Pushing A-OK, if Intention Good
One or two people might have been offended by the information included in my recent scoop on the normally rather narcophobic Dalai Lama’s views on war crimes. But unfortunately, no apology or clarification from His Exalted Phatness has been forthcoming……
God to Withhold Prayer Requests From Cor Jesu High School Administrators Since Firing of Gay Teachers
ST. LOUIS – Explaining that he had, “literally no idea what they were thinking,” deity of the Catholic Church and contributing author Yahweh said in a press release he would no longer be accepting prayer requests from officials at Cor…
OMG! Crazy Pastor Pat “Blames” Justin Bieber for Freak Weather Conditions
After a lull of a few years, discredited televangelist Pat Robertson has put his theometerology hat back on again. Yes… Pastor Pat has yet another new theory to contribute for why the USA has experienced extreme weather conditions in recent…