Category: Science & Technologizzy
Introducing The Karl Valentin ‘Schonsten Blodsinn’ Contest
Every year since 1969 Bavaria’s greatest inventors have assembled for a contest that would try their talents to the limits. It is a grueling test of imagination, innovation, creativity, genius and, well, madness. No, it is not a gathering of…
Top Ten Things that Will Happen on Groundhog Day
It’s a merry, storied tradition in Punxsatawney, PA, one that goes back 123 years (including leap years). Lore has it that if Punxsatawney Phil sees his shadow, he predicts six more weeks of winter. Phil has rarely been wrong, or…
Study Finds Earth May Once Have Harbored Intelligent Life
BOSTON, MA – A 5-year study carried out by Harvard University’s Geological department has determined that, at some point in its relatively recent history, the planet Earth likely supported intelligent life. Analysis drawn from a collection of rock samples taken…
Should the Federal Government Help New York & New Jersey Rebuild?
The northeast was recently devastated by super-storm Sandy and the local government has found that, unlike in other natural disasters, federal action and relief has been slow coming. To some it appears a matter of the politics of fiscal responsibility,…
Dean Chambers: A Look Into the Next 10 Years (Part 6)
Todays entry in our predictions from the future series comes from Dean Chambers, the conservative blogger and statistician famous for his staunchly pro-Romney predictions during the 2012 presidential election. His expertise is in politics, so these are largely political predictions…
2023 Prediction Story – Marketing Manager Edition (Part 5)
We continue our Look to the Future series today with an entry from Danny Saunders, a Marketing Manager for a major wireless telecommunications company. He’s not merely a genius, he’s a close personal friend of mine, and one of a…
Future Predictions 2023 – Vision of the Future (Part 4)
Todays entry in our forward-looking future series comes from Fark user RexTalionis. He had originally participated as part of the Fark series, but his answers were so good, so thorough and so professional, he got his own whole unique story.
Predictions for 2023; What Will Technology Bring (Part 3)
We continue with our series on what the future will bring with an entry from Mr. Andersen. No, not the guy from the Matrix, but you’d be hard pressed to tell, Today’s installment of Predictions for the Future comes courtesy…
Future Predictions: What Will 2023 Bring? (Part 2)
Today we continue our Predictions of the Future series, in which we ask a number of experts what they see for the year 2023, just ten years out. Predicting the future isn’t simply difficult, it’s damn-near impossible. There’s always a…
Future Predictions: What Will 2023 Bring? (Part 1)
Today we start the Predictions of the Future series, in which we ask a number of experts what they see for the year 2023, just ten years out. Predicting the future isn’t simply difficult, it’s damn-near impossible. There’s always a…