Posted in Comics

Atheists Offer Their Own Sunday Service (comic)

The Christians seem to feel they have an exclusive on morality, though the stats don’t bear it out. Why don’t the atheists hold their own Sunday service to preach whatever it is they do or do not believe in… well,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Atheists Offer Their Own Sunday Service (comic)
Posted in Comics Internets Tubes

How hard do hipsters Instagram? (comic)

If a tree falls and blah blah blah whatever does it meh who cares? Age old question with no good answers. Let’s face it, all of them are wrong. But when the same question applies to a hipster, apparently there’s…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How hard do hipsters Instagram? (comic)
Posted in Comics Crime

Prostitute Asks Colleague “Have You Ever Been Arrested?” (comic)

We’ve all been there. We’ve all asked our co-worker for an ounce of advice, and in too many cases, the question is misunderstood. This comic speaks precisely to that. Click on the image to see it full-sized. Brian is on…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Prostitute Asks Colleague “Have You Ever Been Arrested?” (comic)
Posted in Comics Religionism

Jesus Christ Hates Elvis (comic)

This comic was inspired by an actual conversation my mother had with actual missionaries about three decades ago. She was feisty then, she’s still a pain in my ass now, but none of that means anything in comparison to the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Jesus Christ Hates Elvis (comic)
Posted in Comics Science

How much do five hipsters weigh? (comic)

It’s a non-sequitur from the word “don’t go,” but apparently it’s been asked, so we’ll address it. How much do five hipsters weigh? Surely this is the pressing question of our time, and one that deserves front-page news attention, even…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How much do five hipsters weigh? (comic)
Posted in Comics Strange People

Extreme Couponing… It’s called Shoplifting (comic)

If you’ve ever wondered the best way to squeeze a few nickels out of your local retailer, there’s no better way than shoplifting. Sure you might go to jail over a $1.87 sample size of Jergins, but usually you’ll just…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Extreme Couponing… It’s called Shoplifting (comic)
Posted in Comics Sportsfolk

Why was the boxer so funny? (comic)

Kids love to tell jokes in only two varieties; dumb and inappropriate. The one sadly falls into the “dumb” category, but hopefully redeems itself in the fourth act. This is a fine example of why we shouldn’t leave jokes to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Why was the boxer so funny? (comic)
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Comics

Myths No Match for Wikipedia, Despite Wikipedia (comic)

Follow up on the previous one in this installment. Ever heard something that was just too juicy to not be true? You don’t have to let it lie there, facts be damned, just add it to Wikipedia and see if…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Myths No Match for Wikipedia, Despite Wikipedia (comic)
Posted in Comics Gadgets & Gizmos

How the Scan-Tron Actually Got Its Name (comic)

We’ve all been there. You had to use a #2 pencil, as if any other option was available at the store, and fill in the bubbles completely. But do you know the origin of the test? Do you know how…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How the Scan-Tron Actually Got Its Name (comic)
Posted in Comics Kidz Zone

Age Old Joke Takes Dark Turn; Escalates Quickly (COMIC)

You know the age-old joke, “Why is 6 afraid of 7.” Well what happens when the smart-ass kid you’re telling it to already knows the joke? Well apparently, you ruin their childhood. CLICK on the image to see the cartoon…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Age Old Joke Takes Dark Turn; Escalates Quickly (COMIC)