Author: Brian White
Things Kim Jong-Un Said on His Wedding Night
Kim Jong-Un was recently retro-actively married, and to a fine philly of a lady at that, assuming she’s not blood-related to him, which is a fairly big assumption indeed. The head of one of the most secretive states in the…
NFL TV Rights Sold… Are You Twitter for Some Football?
In a move that surprised few, the broadcast rights for the 2013-2015 seasons of the National Football League (NFL) have been sold to a non-television entity. What was a surprise, however, is that the broadcast rights have been sold to…
Is GlossyNews Editor Brian K. White Secretly a Moderate?
An ultra-conservative friend of mine recently wrote to me saying that he’s read my stories, but secretly suspects that I might not be as left-leaning as I come across in some of those articles. To him, I said “you’re probably… is Looking for a Photoshop Guru
We need somebody to make clever, funny pictures for our stories. Are you good at Photoshop? Have you participated in contests at Worth1000 or Fark? Then we’re looking for you to help spice up our articles and make them brilliant….
Point-Counterpoint: Thank You for Paul Ryan
Today we bring together our favorite resident moon-bat and wing-nut to talk up the latest in political news. This week it’s the selection of congressman Paul Ryan as the vice-presidential candidate under Mitt Romney, and for once, we may have…
Mitt Romney Interview Accidentally Ruined by Candor
Recently I had a dream that one of my publications was big enough and safe enough that I could get an interview with Mitt Romney. The thought of someone having enough access and gravitas to actually ask a hard question…
List of Reforms North Korea is Bringing to Bear
Since the death of Kim Jong-Il, North Korea has seen a litany of changes. The most visible of which is the introduction of chubby funster Kim Jong-Un as his successor, with a close second being the ouster of a top…
Kim Jong-Un Loses Stubby Arms Race
North Korea’s new supreme leader, Kim Jong-Un, has come under fire from his generals for possessing what some would call, “stubby, chubby child-sized arms,” a claim vehemently denied by state media. “His arms are not stubby!” said state reporter Steel…
Louie Season Two Fails to Deliver, Fat Boy
I bought season one on DVD, and I loved rewatching all the various episodes with commentary… but when season two came out, and I bought it, I was disgusted to find out that only five-episodes have commentary. Louie is easily…
The Economy Has Improved, Stupid
Reading through the comments on Fark Monday, I encountered the most fascinating post by a user named Hugram. It dispels from every aspect the myth that the economy is worse under Obama. The truth is Bush made a mess and…