Posted in World News

20% of UK Undergraduates Have a More Limited Vocabulary than Donald Trump

Donald Trump is generally known for having a meagre vocabulary. But recent sociological research has shown that Donald J. Trump still maintains a slight edge over the bottom 20% of university graduates in the UK.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 20% of UK Undergraduates Have a More Limited Vocabulary than Donald Trump
Posted in Sports Scandals World News

Football CRAZY! Wacko England Victory Denialist Challenges Mainstream Views on World Cup ’66

Robust writer and charismatic rhetorician David Irving has just published some astonishing revisionist historical allegations.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Football CRAZY! Wacko England Victory Denialist Challenges Mainstream Views on World Cup ’66
Posted in Crime World News

PSNI/Gardai Smash Radiostar Country Barbiturates Ring

The Irish and British have been at each other’s throats for centuries, in a way that makes the rap grudge between Kanye West and LL Cool J look like as pointless and infantile as a mere peevish World of Warcraft…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! PSNI/Gardai Smash Radiostar Country Barbiturates Ring
Posted in World News

The EDL Extend an Olive Branch to British Muslims

Some years ago, East End Pride was cancelled over alleged links to the English Defence League. But since then, in a period where hostility towards Muslims has been a significant problem, the EDL bigots have gone to great lengths to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The EDL Extend an Olive Branch to British Muslims
Posted in World News

Flashback: When Ed Balls Almost Saved the British Economy

NOTE: This story from a while back shows Ed never quite succeeded in his plan to save the British economy. Still, like all politicians, he did have good intentions; and that’s all that matters!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Flashback: When Ed Balls Almost Saved the British Economy
Posted in World News

SJWs Outraged as Taiwanese Culturally Appropriate Pro-Cat Activism

Recently, Taiwan banned the slaughter of cats and dogs for food. Far from being thrilled at this measure, SJWs have created a crushing list of grievances on Social Justice Tumblr.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! SJWs Outraged as Taiwanese Culturally Appropriate Pro-Cat Activism
Posted in World News

Jeremy Corbyn Unsure About Taking on Russell Brand as New Prosperity Czar

Russell Brand is sick of the lottery being run purely by poncey squares, greedy plums and corrupt geezers, who cruelly and arbitrarily force people against their will to choose random numbers…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Jeremy Corbyn Unsure About Taking on Russell Brand as New Prosperity Czar
Posted in Video News World News

GN Video: North Korea Cat/Human Food… Mini/Tremendous Golf?!

Haters gonna hate; and nobody has more haters than North Korea, for some explicable reason. It’s no wonder Lil’ Kim has been borrowing Trump’s rhetoric.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GN Video: North Korea Cat/Human Food… Mini/Tremendous Golf?!
Posted in World News

Corbyn Rejoices: Rotherham Mother Arrested for ‘Islamophobic’ Facebook Rant

The mother of one of the girls who was pimped in Rotherham has recently found herself arrested as a hate criminal.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Corbyn Rejoices: Rotherham Mother Arrested for ‘Islamophobic’ Facebook Rant
Posted in World News

Kim Jong Un Endorses NRA & Their New Pro-Nuke Populist Platform

As mentioned recently on Glossy News, the NRA just gave a 100% approval rating to ISIS. But this time around, some violent extremists have decided to return the favor. The NRA’s recent oppositional stance towards the nuclear disarmament of US…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Kim Jong Un Endorses NRA & Their New Pro-Nuke Populist Platform