Posted in Serious Commentary

Fighting Hate with Hate

I recently got a bad headache and had to lie down. It snuck up on me while I was researching the word fascist. The reason for my interest in fascism was Yvette Felarca. She’s a special kind of crazy. People…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Fighting Hate with Hate
Posted in Politics

“Inappropriate,” the Power Elite’s Ubiquitous Euphemism!

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.—Experts discover that American politicians, pundits, and journalists frequently say “That’s not appropriate” when they really mean, “I want to tear out your intestines and strangle you with them for doing that.” Leslie Montague, psychologist at Pick Your…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Inappropriate,” the Power Elite’s Ubiquitous Euphemism!
Posted in Politics

Comedians Replace Democrats to Oppose Psycho Clown Republicans

To address the challenge presented by the new Republican Party, the Democratic Party has been replaced by a bevy of comedians. The challenge began in 2017 when President Donald Trump made psychopathy cool. Henceforth the Republicans became informally known as…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Comedians Replace Democrats to Oppose Psycho Clown Republicans
Posted in Top Stories

Betsy’s Twat Burnt Down My Son’s School

I heard the bulletin at work. There was a riot at the Ralph Kramden Elementary School in Los Angeles. That was my son’s school. I left work to hurry down and find him. When I got there hundreds of teachers…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Betsy’s Twat Burnt Down My Son’s School
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Top Stories in The News – Alternative Facts Edition

[The following news summary has been approved by the White House Ministry of Clarifying Communications and Truthful Facts, the greatest, most truthlike communications ministry in American history.] Contrary to the endless lies propagated by fake news sources like CNN, The…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Top Stories in The News – Alternative Facts Edition
Posted in Top Stories

When They Go Low, I Go High (President Obama is Having a Pretty Chill Retirement) @vilachumley Our correspondent, Don Lemon of CNN, caught up with the former President Barack Obama in his first interview since Donald Trump took office. Don Lemon: What have you been up to these past few weeks, Barack? Obama: Look…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! When They Go Low, I Go High (President Obama is Having a Pretty Chill Retirement)
Posted in Entertainment Internets Tubes

Fake Memes for Fake People: (2/3)

WTF? Did Orwell actually say this? Citrus surprise looking a little bitter Fake tan, fake opinions, fake Trump card Fake-o liberals and conservatives in Germany think book burning is more effective than winning the argument against fascism

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Fake Memes for Fake People: (2/3)
Posted in Politics

DNC Discovers Secret of Transformational Leadership

Dateline: WASHINGTON, D.C.—A Democratic National Committee taskforce concluded its investigation into how Donald Trump has managed to be a transformational president.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! DNC Discovers Secret of Transformational Leadership
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc Television

Real Fake News is Losing Credibility

Real Fake News (RFN) is the only non-partisan news source left. And its integrity is under sustained attack by the peddlers of illegitimate fake news. It’s being stomped on by those charlatans who declare themselves honest, rational and accurate. Abdul…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Real Fake News is Losing Credibility
Posted in Politics

Coalition of a Hundred Countries goes to War for Regime Change in the United States

Dateline: MOSCOW, Year Three After Trump—Three years into Trump’s presidency, a “new coalition of the willing,” of over a hundred countries led by Russia, China, and Europe declared war on Trump’s “rogue regime,” citing in a public statement: “the lunacy…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Coalition of a Hundred Countries goes to War for Regime Change in the United States