T-Rex Naughty Dinosaur
Posted in Politics World News

CARTOONS: T-Rex & Me! (Our Great New Graphic Artist, JF!)

A hearty welcome to our new writer and graphic artist, JF! Plenty more to come from him over the next few days. WHAT’S HAPPENING WITH THE BREXIT NEGOTIATIONS??? Rex has recently been assisting Theresa May with the Brexit negotiations.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! CARTOONS: T-Rex & Me! (Our Great New Graphic Artist, JF!)
Posted in World News

SCOOP! We Get A Recording Of Putin And Jong Un’s Hot Date In Vladivostok.

Our ever vigilant super spy drone has done it again! It managed to record the so called ‘historic’ meeting between big-wigs Vladimir ‘the Impaler’ Putin and Kim ‘Moe haircut’ Jong Un. And it did it without the former KGB agent…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! SCOOP! We Get A Recording Of Putin And Jong Un’s Hot Date In Vladivostok.
Posted in Society World News

GREEN REVOLUTION! New Right-Wing ‘Ecological Diversity’ Agenda

Controversial leaders Theresa May, Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro have heralded a new spring of right-wing environmental consciousness. And for the first time ever, the environment has been made a true populist, anti-elitist cause! But what could possibly be at…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GREEN REVOLUTION! New Right-Wing ‘Ecological Diversity’ Agenda
trump scandal
Posted in Politics Society

Feminists OUTRAGED! Biden’s Creepy Campaign Trail Song List Leaks… CREEPY!

BIDEN 2020: FIRST SEXUALLY QUESTIONABLE PRESIDENT? Serial groper and wildcat Juncker’s sciatica handyman Joe ‘Creepy Uncle Joe Biden’ has just recently announced a bid for the presidency, despite a history of sexual misdemeanours which leaves but little daylight between him…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Feminists OUTRAGED! Biden’s Creepy Campaign Trail Song List Leaks… CREEPY!
Posted in Politics Society World News

Libertarians & GOP Demand MASS REVOLT Against UN Human Trafficking Laws!

HOW IS MUCH IS ONE LIFE REALLY WORTH?! Well, I guess we’re about to find out! Republicans and the Libertarian Party have staged a mass revolt against the UN 2019 human trafficking report. The Executive Director for the United Nations…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Libertarians & GOP Demand MASS REVOLT Against UN Human Trafficking Laws!
Posted in Top Stories

Charlize Theron is “Shockingly Available“ & Waiting For Someone To “Step Up” & Ask Her Out On A Date – YEAH, RIGHT!!!!!

Charlize Theron can’t find a date? Yeah, right again! Charlize Theron, arguably the best looking woman in Hollywood, possessing only the elitest of chromosomes, worth multiple millions and one of the finest actresses of her time states that she can’t…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Charlize Theron is “Shockingly Available“ & Waiting For Someone To “Step Up” & Ask Her Out On A Date – YEAH, RIGHT!!!!!
Posted in Politics Top Stories

DOWN WITH HATE SPEECH! Bipartisan Bill Finally Makes US Corporations Protected Class

The notoriously divided America of today has many disputes and disagreements, whether it be border security, the climate crisis or social media conflict by liberal snowflakes and conservative trolls. But if there’s one thing the Republican and Democrats can agree…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! DOWN WITH HATE SPEECH! Bipartisan Bill Finally Makes US Corporations Protected Class
Conflict chaos
Posted in Serious Commentary

Oath to Inner Freedom!

PEACE WITHIN, FREEDOM EVER OUTWARDS Swear with me: From this day forth, I solemnly swear by the name of the best within us, I will not let the powers of this world consume me with fear, with rage, with bitterness,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Oath to Inner Freedom!
Posted in Politics Top Stories

McCain Gives “Thanks” From The Grave

Annapolis, MD- On Friday morning, former POW, Senator, and one-time Republican Party Presidential nominee John McCain, threw the world into a frenzy, when he rose from his grave, to apparently address comments made by President Donald “John” Trump, earlier this…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! McCain Gives “Thanks” From The Grave
Posted in World News

Update- Caravan of Disgruntled Americans Reach Guatemalan Border.

The thousands of middle and working class Americans who we reported on March 13th of this year have reached the Guatemalan border and are camped out there awaiting asylum to get in and take over the lands and homes left…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Update- Caravan of Disgruntled Americans Reach Guatemalan Border.