Posted in Human Interest Science

New Study Shows Small Men Prefer Big Trucks

The Size of One’s Vehicle is Directly Proportional to the Size of Genitalia A new study conducted by the National Research Panel has concluded that men who drive large trucks, SUVs, and automobiles have smaller genitalia than men who drive…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! New Study Shows Small Men Prefer Big Trucks
Posted in Human Interest Opinion/Editorial

Sorry Men, You Are All Sexists

The moment I tell you “You’re ALL sexists,” some poor Jeremy is gonna wail out: “But we’re not AAALLL like thaaat!!!” But that’s precisely the point. There’s something very significant about the fact that this is precisely the typical response…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sorry Men, You Are All Sexists
Posted in Human Interest

Driverless Car Impounded for DUI

One of the Google driverless cars has been pulled over and impounded for driving under the influence of ethanol, according to California Highway Patrol officers, he is going to trial with the Best Los Angeles DUI Defense Lawyer. “The car…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Driverless Car Impounded for DUI
Posted in Human Interest Religionism

Repentant Paisley’s Heterophobic Hate Campaign

Disclaimer: Earlier version published on I’ve now come round to a more enlightened view of the sensitive matters in question 😉 Given the passing some months ago of Lord Bannside, it’s only fair that I inform you about one…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Repentant Paisley’s Heterophobic Hate Campaign
Posted in Human Interest Opinion/Editorial

A Prophet Versus Islamists? What Would Muhammad Say? (2/2)

Previously, as a non-Muslim, I raised the question of the distinction between a living letter and prophet, and a dead letter and prophet. And I’m not so much attempting to intrude from the outside of Islam, to set a “program”…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Prophet Versus Islamists? What Would Muhammad Say? (2/2)
Posted in Human Interest Opinion/Editorial

A Prophet Versus Islamists? What Would Muhammad Say? (1/2)

Disclaimer: This is less “humorous” than my usual work (apart from some cheeky memes!), but is not intended as “po-faced” or “solemn.” I’m not suggesting a program or plan for Muslims or non-Muslims, satirists or non-satirists. I’m mainly trying to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Prophet Versus Islamists? What Would Muhammad Say? (1/2)
Posted in Human Interest Opinion/Editorial

UK: No, Not All Anti-Fascists Are Equal

Unparliamentary Fanaticism The tragic fact is that in the United Kingdom, as in many other countries, there is a fascist presence. However, fascist parties are fringe organizations; not least in terms of their electoral power. Yes… over here, it is…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! UK: No, Not All Anti-Fascists Are Equal
Posted in Human Interest Strange People

“Cool Hat Guy” Spotted at KFC

Seattle, WA-Local employees were abuzz yesterday when something unexpected happened. A good looking guy sporting a smooth beard and one of those cool knit Beanie hats strolled in to order some extra crispy. “This doesn’t happen here, it just doesn’t,”…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Cool Hat Guy” Spotted at KFC
Posted in Human Interest Religionism

Khomeinisexuality: Meet Iran’s Radical Love-Cleric (Part 2/69: Jizz be Upon Me)

Tribute Encore une fois: this one’s for Charlie Hebdo. Nous sommes tous Charlie. Ok, last time you heard from the people men of wisdom; to wit, the only people who really understand enlightened fucking erudite fiqh rulings from the inside…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Khomeinisexuality: Meet Iran’s Radical Love-Cleric (Part 2/69: Jizz be Upon Me)
Posted in Human Interest Religionism

Khomeinisexuality: Meet Iran’s Radical Love-Cleric (Part 1/69: Jizz Be Upon Him)

Tribute This one’s for Charlie Hebdo. Nous sommes tous Charlie. OK, we all know about the obviously malicious and unproven allegations of gratuitously gratifyingly enlightened fatwas on “I’m-a-sexin’ that damn fine chicken” that have been directed at Imam Love Doctor…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Khomeinisexuality: Meet Iran’s Radical Love-Cleric (Part 1/69: Jizz Be Upon Him)