Author: Brian White
Four Reasons You’d Be Crazy Not to Go See Avatar
I’m not on the take or anything, I’m just a big fan of this unique film, and one who loves it quite a lot. 1 – Because, Statistically, You Haven’t Seen It Yet Even though it’s breaking records left and…
Obama Wins Literal “Not George Bush” Award
To the surprise of few, Obama has won yet another award for not being George W. Bush, this time it’s one awarded by the Global Sub-Scrub Society known as the “Not George Bush Award”, and it’s given only to those…
Google Announces New Motto: “Be Less Evil Than Microsoft”
Since clinging to the original motto of “Don’t Be Evil” proved too great a burden in the emerging web economy, the more realistic slogan of “Be Less Evil than Microsoft” seemed a better fit, and an effortless goalpost to hit,…
Lieberman Scuttles Healthcare In Retaliation to “Droopy Dog” Jokes
The good news is that no more 5% of earth’s citizens will have to suffer due to his petty, soulless, baby-killing, neo-partisan politicking.
You Can Win $100 by Writing Killer Satire
This contest is active for the month of January and February (extended for March as well), and it will be held-over every month thereafter as long as readership continues to build and the user response is positive.
Rumor: Tiger Woods’ Mystery Lover is Adam Lambert
While we have yet to verify our sources, we feel it would be irresponsible not to report this shocking rumor as it’s been reported to us. Is it true that the golf legend Tiger Woods has been having an intimate…
Cash-Strapped America Selling Bootleg DVDs out of Chinese Embassy
Problem Seekers Look no Further, Hank Offers Advice
Listen all you wayward citizens of the world, a new day dawned a couple months back, and the answers to your questions is here. His name is Hank, and he will tackle anything you can throw at him. But Hank…