Author: Brian White
I’d Like to Leave You for Your Cousin (comic)
Hey man, we’ve all been there. You start dating a girl and next thing you know you meet her single sister or hot cousin, and you realize you picked the wrong runt of the litter. Maybe you have a kid…
Stop to Smell the Roses, Sunset, etc. (comic)
Sunsets are pretty, no two ways about it. You have to really stop and take them in. Watch the hues shift, take in the deep colors as they melt across the sky… but there’s more to it. They’re red aren’t…
Microsoft Office Assistant Finds New Life (comic)
Arguably one of the greatest inventions of software is the oft-forgotten fellow named “Clippy”. You remember him, he would constantly interrupt you when you were trying to do something productive. If you started a document with the word “dear”, that…
Why is Spring so Dangerous for Dandelions (comic)
Obviously rain showers for spring flowers whatever, I’m sure there’s an axiom in there, but why are the common yard scourge the Dandelion so dangerous, especially in Spring, and why am I asking this is such elusive ways? Click on…
My Take on the Tragic Boston Marathon Massacre
It’s rare we break from comedy, but special circumstances prevail. Scroll down to see the graphic. Don’t despair that there are a handful of psychopaths in the world, but take comfort in knowing they are out-manned and out numbered by…
Deviant Ghost Takes Pants and Jacket Off (comic)
There was an album once with a similar joke in the title. That joke came to me a day after I started the comic, but it’s well worth including. Deviant ghosts? Oh, just ask the History Channel, they’re real. These…
Preschool Student Exchange Program Hits Snag
The plan was far from revolutionary. Just take a program that works for older students and bump it down for use on younger students. That was the plan for ToddlerX, a Sacramento-based program, but two years on, parents are feeling…
Johnny Appleseed’s True Legacy Revealed (comic)
We all learned the story of Johnny Appleseed as children, and for some reason we were taught that he was a great and noble man. He did charitable works, but that’s hardly the whole story. As this comic points out,…
Hay is For Horses, But Some More than Others (comic)
What happens between horses when no one is looking. No, not that. They do that in plain sight. They’re unabashed, and well they should be, they’re hung like horses. Click on the Comic to see it in full-size.
Intra-office Battle Heats Up, and Then Some (comic)
We’ve all been there. Upset Dave in shipping? Make enemies with Rebecca in accounts payable? Rub the HR lady the wrong way, which is especially tricky when you rub her during the sensitivity training course. This whole comic kind of…